The clearing

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The company woke up at dawn, right after breakfast they continued their journey and by mid day they were at a clearing. The only clearing they saw so far after they entered the great mountain, as they sat down to rest Will was suspicious about something "do you think the Orcs are still out there?" He questioned Tim.

"I'm afraid they are" Tim gasped. Gandalf walked forward and said "even if they are they won't be able to reach us on time, we would be under the great mountain by the time they reach".

"But when we come out won't they be waiting for us here?" Lock questioned feeling quite horrified.

"That I doubt, but I hope we would find another way out" Gandalf replied with doubt.

"Let's not think about those filthy creatures" Joe shrugged "Yes, they are no match for our axes" Will boasted "I'm glad this company is courageous and kind starting from the lady" Gandalf smiled.

"So, nimbus will you miss me?" Emily asked petting the horse. The horse neigh like he understood and rubbed his nose at Emily's face "Awww you would" she giggled as she leaned forward and kissed the horse "a lucky horse, I should say" Legolas smirked as he walked towards them holding some leaves to feed nimbus "so by night fall we would be inside the mountain" he said looking at Emily.

She noticed his eyes were in pain as he stared at her "yes, we will be" Emily looked down at her shoes trying to avoid eye contact.

"Tell me what you would miss most?" Legolas asked walking towards her.

"I would miss everything" she gasped.

"Really?" He asked again as he was just some inches away from her. Emily tried to walk behind but there was a tree she was caught in between Legolas and a tree. On the other side of the clearing Roland was busy making a bracelet out of reeds for Ellie "what are you making?" She asked curiously.

"Something, so that you would remember me when you leave" Roland smiled.

Ellie heart sank "You know I'd always remember you, I'd never forget you Roland your the best thing that has ever happened to me" Ellie said looking at him "I should have said it from the start but I was scared to say it but now I know it's time I let you know" Ellie gasped as she sat beside him.

"Ellie, I've not been honest with you but now I know I've to" Roland looked down in sorrow as he told Ellie that three hundred years ago he fell for a she-elf who left him for another elf for two hundred years he lived in sorrow un till he met her. Ellie broke down in tears as she heard that "I thought I could never fall for someone else, I thought I really loved the she-elf but I didn't it was not love it was only an infatuation that I felt when I was younger but after I met you I knew what love was and that's why I even went against the order of my lord Legolas something I'd have never done in my life" Roland said slowly.

"Never in my life did I feel this lucky Roland, I love you" she said as she leaned forward and kissed him, he kissed her back. Sam saw them he felt awkward so he went to the other side and then he saw Emily and Legolas 'omg not here too' he thought as he walked away from the clearing looking for his crew.

Emily and Legolas just kept on staring at each other. This is awkward Emily thought as Legolas leaned forward Emily pushed him to the side "I need air" she said walking awkwardly towards the edge of the cliff not looking where she was really going.

"Aren't you afraid of heights?" Legolas chuckled. She didn't care about the heights anymore, she just wanted to ignore what she felt for Legolas because she was going to leave and she didn't want to give him false hope. "I don't get you" Legolas said as he walked towards her.

"You don't have to" Emily mumbled.

"Why did you walk away?" He asked.

Emily looked away and folded her arms "We did have a moment didn't we?" He asked with hope in his eyes and confidence in his voice.

"I don't know what your talking about" she said in annoyance "Don't try to deny it, I know how you feel about me" he said hesitantly.

"You should keep your thoughts to yourself, you are not a mind reader" she rolled her eyes.

"I thought you wanted to kiss me" he said.

"What?" She looked at him with her brows raised.

"I mean, I was about to kiss you and I knew you wanted me to" Legolas smiled.

"Okay, don't get the wrong idea out here but I've someone in my life did you forgot" she clenched her jaws as she folded her arms tighter.

He came forward and hold her hands "I know you do but do you really love him? Do you really feel the same for him as you feel for me" He questioned.

"What do you know about love?" Emily questioned him back.

"I know more than you, my lady" he looked at her.

"I don't think you do, I've loved Travis for the past seven years the only love I knew was him your just someone I met in this world" Emily shrugged. Legolas didn't expect to hear that from her he felt heartbroken, he just stared at her hoping she would say something else but she looked away because she knew she couldn't take back what she said and even if she could, why should she? She was leaving wether she liked it or not.

Emily didn't want him to notice that she was almost in tears when she said that, she didn't want to hurt Legolas but she knew this love was not meant to be and to break his heart and to let him hate her seems like the only option left so that he would forget her and move on. Emily felt really bad after what she said but she had no other way she thought. On the other hand Legolas walked away from her into the woods. He went up towards the mountain top, he just wanted to run away he never felt so heartbroken in his life before. He wished to jump off from that mountain so that he would not feel the pain anymore but he hesitated 'I've to protect the company and complete this quest' he sat down on a small rock and cried, for the first time in his life he cried.

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