A twist in lake town

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Everyone stood up as Legolas walked in except for Emily she was there sitting like a frozen ice cube she couldn't belief he was right there, how did he even find them she thought. Legolas walked straight towards Roland and grabbed his throat "Don't think I won't kill you, it would be my pleasure" he hissed. As Ellie begged Legolas to leave Roland, the others stood still in both fear and confusion as the two elven guards pointed their arrows straight towards Roland "Stop" yelled Emily dropping her tea mug as she raced towards Legolas "Legolas please, leave him" she pleaded as she hold Legolas arms. Legolas eyes were fixed on Roland's as Roland tried to breathe, an elf rage is as dangerous as an Orc Emily thought and felt hopeless she didn't know what to do, she had to do something quick before Legolas snaps Roland's throat.

"I'd kill myself if I've to leave Roland at once" Emily yelled as she hold the kitchen knife and placed it upon her wrist she knew self harm was not an option but she had to take that step in order to stop Legolas. Legolas left Roland at once and threw the kitchen knife outside the Window into the lake everything happened so quick that no one saw what happened except the elves. "Are you out of your mind?" Legolas questioned in pain as well as in horror as he hold Emily's arm.

"You are the one who is out of his mind" Emily yelled "You were trying to kill Roland the chief of your army for no reason" Emily gasped.

"He betrayed me, to go against the word of the lord is death for an elf" Legolas said.

As Roland fell on the floor trying to catch his breath Ellie lifted him up and they sat on the sofa, the others were still in shock and the archers still ready with their arrows pointed at Roland. "He did it for me, so the one who should die is me not him" Emily said as she tried to free herself from the grasp of Legolas. Legolas waved his hand and the archers put down their bows, Emily sat down on the bed trying to catch her breath as well Legolas sat kneeling down besides her "I'm sorry" he apologized looking at the wooden floor. Emily was outraged she didn't speak and was looking towards Roland as she avoided all eye contact with Legolas.

"Okay, let's have some tea" Bard said as he and his kids began to make tea. Roland came forward and kneeled down near Legolas and begged "my lord I'm sorry forgive me but I had to do what I had to, it was not the fault of the ladies but my own"

Legolas stood up and said "what you did is forgiven because you did it for the ladies but you are now removed from the chief's position and until you prove yourself worthy to attain that position once more.

"Thank you my lord" Roland sniffed with as he stood up and sat besides Ellie who was also very pleased with Legolas decision.

"Not so cold as we thought the prince would be" Bard chuckled as he served the tea. Legolas was outside talking to his two guards, Emily got up and walked towards the window and was staring outside as usual she was in no mood for a conversation at that moment "this for you my lady" Bard gave Emily a hot cup of tea.

"Thank you" she smiled as she hold the warm cup in her hands.

"I know your upset but it's best you forgive the prince this is the first time in elven history that an elf lord had forgiven an elf who betrayed him that also in the name of love" Bard said as a light smirk passed his face.

Maybe Legolas truly loved her it's a blessing and a curse to be loved this much Emily thought. Legolas walked in, Luna served him a cup of hot tea "here my lord" she said gracefully.

"Thank you what's your name little girl?" He asked.

"Luna, my lord" she bowed her head.

"Such a beautiful name" he replied.

"My lord we are honored to have you here in our humble abode this is my eldest daughter Anna and my second son mike and Luna she's the youngest, before I couldn't introduced them because of all that mess" Bard chuckled as he introduced Legolas to his family "I apologise for what happened earlier, I wasn't thinking straight" Legolas said gently as he handed out a pouch and gave it to Luna "give this to your father little girl" he said.

"What's in it da?" Asked mike as he eagerly opened the pouch "gold coins" he yelled as Luna and Anna rushed towards him. The kids looked at the coins in amazement they have never seen gold in their life before this was the first.

"I'll take that" said Bard as he snatched the pouch away from the kids "My lord, I can't thank you enough" Bard said once again bowing his head.

"Go now have some fun" Legolas said as the family left for the market. Then he gave a look at Roland and Ellie and they knew he wanted some private time with Emily so the two got out of the house together, Emily and Legolas were alone now she didn't notice that until Legolas came and sat beside her "my lady, I'm really very sorry for everything that just happened.....I didn't mean to do that but I thought you got lost and so from Rivendell I rode all the way to Mirkwood and when I came to know Roland was the elf behind this I was outraged" Legolas said slowly as he hold Emily's hand "can you forgive me?" He asked hoping she would say yes.

"It's just too much to take in for a day Legolas, I don't know what to say" Emily gasped looking away.

"I know my lady but you shouldn't have broken your promise in the first place, you know it hurt me so much and it still does" Legolas said in pain as he stood up "I've to go now and take a look around be here and be safe, I'll be back before night fall" he said as he left with his guards.

Roland and Ellie came in as soon as Legolas left "my lady, I thank you for saving my life" Roland thanked her as he hold her hands.

"I was the one who put you through all these Roland and I'm very sorry" Emily replied.

"My lady please don't say that it's not your doing instead you did something to my lord that in elven history no elf had ever known" Roland smiled as he stood up.

"You have to tell me the elven history then" Ellie said as she joyfully looked at Roland.

"Sure" said Roland as he started to explain in brief. Ellie sat next to Emily and was listening to him in full concentration with much awe. Emily was just thinking about her home, her parents and travis as she looked out towards the lake.

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