The valley

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"We better take the trees it's faster and safer" Legolas said as he stood in front of Emily.

Emily looked up the trees were like towers "It would take me an hour to climb to the top and did you forget I'm scared of heights" she reminded him.

"You will be just fine" Legolas smirked as he came forward and hold her waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked quite shocked she wasn't expecting that.

"We are going to travel by the trees" he said and in a instant he caught hold of a long creeper and jumped on top of a tree.

"Wow!" Emily gasped he hold her tight and from a tree to another he jumped she was just wondering how he was jumping from one tree to the other but she never looked down as she didn't want to scare herself, they didn't speak the whole journey as Legolas concentrated on the branches and she was quite mesmerised by everything that was happening when they reached the last tree Legolas stopped "Time to jump down now" he said.

Emily closed her eyes and in a wink they were on the ground " Did we reach the ground?" she asked still keeping her eyes shut.

"Yes, we did now you can open your eyes" he chuckled.

"Wow! that was awesome" Emily chuckled.

"I'm glad you liked it" Legolas smiled.

"Time to walk" She said but Legolas was not letting go of  her "are we going to walk or stand on the ground like this" Emily joked.

"It's just that I've never touched or hold a human in my life or even a she-elf your the first" he said looking at her, this is getting really awkward Emily thought.

"Now you can let me go and we can walk" Emily said trying to free herself as Legolas let her go, she walked away as Legolas followed.

"I didn't mean to scare you" he said as he caught up to her.

"It's okay" Emily replied awkwardly but she can't deny that she felt something which she never felt before when he hold her.

"Ten minutes walk up across that mountain and we would be there" Legolas smiled. Emily said nothing everything was so awkward for her, she knew now for sure that Legolas had feelings for her and as Tim said it was a forbidden love she didn't know what to do her mind was exploding with questions.

"Welcome to the valley" Legolas said as she lifted up her head and saw one of the most beautiful valley ever it was filled with endless sunflowers from all sides. Emily was in tears "oh my gosh! they are my favorite flowers" she gasped as she ran towards the flowers Legolas followed her smilingly.

"This world is more beautiful than my world, I wish I could stay here forever" Emily said merrily.

"Then stay don't leave" Legolas looked at her, I'm stupid for saying that out loud she thought. They walked for some minutes until they reached a clearing under a tree.

"Are you hungry?" Legolas asked.

"I'm starved" she chuckled. Legolas climbed up the tree and brought apples for her "Is this an apple tree?" She asked feeling quite astonished as she didn't notice.

"Yes, it is" he smiled.

"I didn't know" she chuckled low.

"Because you were so focused on the flowers" Legolas looked at her.

"The apple is so red and sweet" she said.

"Everything that grows in this land is sweet" Legolas replied. Emily noticed that with each passing day Legolas looked more and more attractive or was he that attractive from before and she never noticed because she never pay her full attention when he's around or is she under a spell she thought, Legolas offered her a bottle "What's this?"She asked.

"Water of course" Legolas smiled.

"The water taste sweet too" Emily exhaled.

"It's from Mirkwood so" Legolas said. She never noticed that Mirkwood water taste that good "I need this supply of water back in my home land' "Emily giggled.

"You can take the fountain with you" Legolas joked. Two hours passed by and they were still in the valley at last Legolas stood up and said they have to leave before the sun sets as the journey back home was long. "Can we take horses?" Emily asked.

"Why?" Legolas questioned.

"Because I want to ride a horse it's been long" Emily lied she didn't want to get caught up in that awkward situation like before. Legolas seemed to understand her point and agreed "Okay sure, I know a man who rear horses on the other side of the valley let's go" he said as he took a bunch of sunflowers and handed it to her. "Thank you" she said as she blushed.

Legolas has never seen her blush in his life before and as she did he smiled and said "you look beautiful when you do that" she chuckled as she covered her face with the sunflowers and followed Legolas. As they reached the man's house Legolas paid for two of his horses in silvers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had to pay" Emily said sheepishly.

"It's okay I'm a prince, I've heaps of gold and silver and my own kingdom" Legolas chuckled. Emily was relived as he said that, they got upon their horses and headed towards Mirkwood.

"If luck is on our side we would reach before sun down or my father would be worried" Legolas said.

"Why don't you take your guards with you?" Emily asked "I can protect myself it's you I'm worried about" Legolas replied. They rode together and before sun down reached the castle gates Legolas gave the horses to his guards and they walked inside.

"Legolas, my lord the king wants to see you" a guard said as he bowed his head in respect, he nodded and then looked at Emily "I'll see you later then".

"Okay" she said as Legolas left with the guard she headed to her room with the sunflowers merrily where she saw Roland and Ellie sitting and conversing. "I'm back" Emily yelled as Ellie got a little freaked out as she was not expecting her.

"And you brought sun flowers" Ellie squeaked as she walked towards her admiring the bright beautiful yellow bunch of flowers.

"I did, it was such a beautiful place" Emily said.

"Did my lord take you to the valley?" Roland asked in awe.

"Yes and it was beautiful, I wish you could see it too El" Emily said as she looked at Ellie.

"Have you been there too?" Ellie asked Roland.

"No, I didn't none of us have ever been there that valley belongs to my lord Legolas" Roland replied.

"You mean those flowers are his?" Emily giggled she can't belief he was into flowers.

"Yes, everything is his he planted them years back no one is allowed to go there except him, he made that valley for his future queen" Roland said. Emily and Ellie stood there in shock "What do you mean?" Emily asked in confusion.

"It means he loves you and he has decided to marry you my lady" replied Roland. Is this a joke Emily thought, marriage I'm just 23 and I don't even belong here what is happening in my life she sunk into deep dilemma.

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