The journey

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The next morning loud neighing of the horses woke the two best friends up. As they were washing up Gandalf entered "good morning my ladies" he said smilingly "Good morning" they both replied politely.

"Had a sound sleep?" Gandalf asked.

"We did" Ellie responded.

"So when are we moving and where are the dwarves?" Emily asked.

"We will all be meeting for breakfast" Gandalf said. Gandalf introduced them to the five dwarves the oldest among them was Tim, the strongest was Joe, the wisest was Will, the fattest was Sam, the shortest was Lock. They all have short names like their heights, the ladies thought.

"This is the lady Emily and that's her friend Ellie" Gandalf introduced them both, the dwarves bowed their heads politely.

"So I heard you ladies are traveling to the mirkwood?" Tim asked politely.

"Yes, we are" Emily murmured.

"I tell you the elves are really proud and boastful creatures" Joe grumbled.

"Stop scaring the ladies" Gandalf scolded joe. After breakfast they picked up their baggage and headed towards the ponies.

"Wow! I love riding ponies" Emily squeaked. Whereas, Ellie had never ridden one in her life before. The inn keeper gave the ladies a bag where there was food, water and blankets the ladies thanked him but they had no money to repay him.

"It's okay, I know the prophecies" the inn keeper said smilingly. At that very moment the dwarves looked at them "The prophecy" Lock yelled, the dwarves rejoiced after so long the long lost treasures would be found they danced merrily. Emily notice they were quite huge but short and had long beards and hair but their faces looked kind.

"But why Mirkwood?" Asked Will.

"Because she holds the ring of the elves" replied Gandalf "That's a bad thing" said Joe, now Emily got more scared of the elves.

"Dwarves and elves don't get along that's the reason why Joe is saying all these things, you don't have to worry" whispered Gandalf. Emily and Ellie got more relieved by the sound of that and they both sat on the same pony since Ellie couldn't ride one. They rode and rode for four hours took a break and had their lunch and then rode for another four hours until they reached the dark woods.

"Set the ponies loose back to their master" said Tim.

"This wood looks scary" Ellie said.

"Elvish routes are quite unique" Will replied.

"We have to walk on the path then we will reach Mirkwood if we lose the path we are lost forever" Tim said. Ellie and Emily gulped, this adventure was getting scarier than ever. They walked for two hours straight the day light was getting lost among the thick branches of the trees.

"We should rest here for the night" Tim said. They all sat down on the path and made a small fire, they had the food they took from the inn. After dinner they started conversing among themselves Emily was very excited sharing about the modern world and the things in it the dwarves listened to her with awe. Tim and Sam really wanted to visit the modern world, Sam was more interested in the foods rather than the places and technology. Ellie was fast asleep she was tired from the whole journey and tired from trying to recollect her grand fathers tales. It was almost dawn when Lock got up hearing a faint sound at a distant. "Wake up Joe" he said. Joe woke up and listened something was coming towards them.

"Wake up all" Joe yelled. The dwarves woke up and armed themselves. Emily and Ellie were in deep confusion at that very moment they saw a group of spiders heading towards them they were no ordinary spiders but were huge they looked like the size of small cars. Ellie screamed on top of her lungs and ran away, Emily picked up her back pack and began to run after her. The company spilt up as the spiders came, they left the path and was lost in the deep dark jungle.

Tim, Joe, Ellie and Emily walked round and round they were completely lost and they lost the others too. "A day must have passed" Tim said under his breath, he didn't want to scare the others but he knew there was no way out. That night they slept under a huge tree, the two dwarfs in turns took guard and let the ladies sleep in peace. The next morning as the dwarfs went down to collect firewood to make fire for breakfast at that moment Ellie saw someone on the tree top coming down towards the dwarfs "Emily, I saw a man on tree" Ellie said.

"Your mind is playing tricks" Emily chuckled not paying any attention to Ellie.

But as she just said those words the two dwarfs were surrounded by a small army of elves with their bows pointed at them. The leader of the elf was pointing his bow right at Joe "What are you doing in these woods? I could kill you both" he asked. Emily and Ellie froze in terror.

"They might be the elves Gandalf told us about" Ellie whispered.

"We are together" Emily yelled hoping an arrow will not strike them. As soon as the elves heard her voice, the leader looked up at the tree side and saw two ladies standing and looking down at them and by the look on their faces he could say that they were terrified "Mortals" said the chief of the elves.

"Humans" said the leader as he put down his bow and came walking towards them. Emily and Ellie walked down towards the elves slowly as Ellie was holding Emily hands tight, Emily looked calm.

"Who are you and what are you doing in these woods?" Asked the elf leader.

"I'm Emily and this is my best friend Ellie and we are going to Mirkwood but we got lost" Emily answered politely.

"Mirkwood! what business's you have there?" He asked gently. Emily could see that his eyes were really fixed on her is this a bad sign she thought.

"We wanted to meet the king of the elves thranduil we have a business with him" Emily smiled.

"Then I should introduced myself I'm Legolas the King's son" the elf said Bowing his head.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now