Thranduil's journey

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That night the only topic Emily and Ellie talked about was the valley and how confused Emily was with everything. She didn't know how she even feels for Legolas and if what Legolas feels for her is true like Tim said it would consume him she wished she had never found the ring in the first place if so she wouldn't be facing all these things right now. The next morning they woke up to the sounds of trumpets. "Is there a celebration?" Ellie asked turning to her right where Emily was laying.

"I don't know" replied Emily still closing her eyes she was not bothered by the sound of the trumpets but Ellie got out of bed and walked towards the window as she was curious to know what was happening as Emily tried to go back to sleep she saw a figure walking towards her in horror she screamed but then realised that it was Legolas and due to the ray of the sun her eyes were deceiving her.

"What's wrong?" He asked puzzled.

"I thought you were a ghost" exhaled Emily as she sat on the bed.

Legolas chuckled he cant believe how small her heart was she was afraid of heights, spiders and now ghosts "Well I'm not, I've come to say farewell to you my lady" he bowed gently.

"Are you leaving?" Emily asked yawning.

"I'm afraid I've to, my father is going to Rivendell and I've to accompany him" Legolas replied sadly.

"When are you coming back?" Asked Ellie.

"I cannot say but in my absence my chief and the others will take good care of you both" he smiled.

"Have a safe journey my lord" Ellie said politely. Legolas turned to Emily and said "I want you to promise me that you would not leave the kingdom until I return" he hold her hands gently.

"Okay, I won't" Emily said.

"Do I've your word?" Legolas asked impatiently.

"Yes, you do" Emily smiled.

"Thank you, I'd come back for you" Legolas said as he hugged her tight and left.

"Is he coming back to marry you?" Ellie joked.

"Oh shut up" Emily mumbled in annoyance. Ellie couldn't hold her laughter and began to laugh loudly as they looked out of the window they saw dozens of horses lined up and ready to go. Thranduil was sitting upon a beautiful reindeer he wore everything white with a tiara made of wood behind him was Legolas on his white horse. Legolas looked up and Emily waved him goodbye as he smiled kindly at her, the king noticed everything but pretended he didn't and they left the castle.

"Finally free from drama for sometime" Emily chuckled as she sunk into the bed. Roland walked in as soon as the king and his armies left.

"Did you promise my lord Legolas you won't leave the castle without him?" He asked in despair.

"Yes, I did why?" Emily asked in confusion.

"You can't stay here for long waiting for him to return because by the time he returns autumn might end" Roland replied.

"I'm losing track of time this world is confusing" Emily yelled.

"I know but you can't break a promise with an elf" replied Roland.

"Why?" Emily was utterly confused now.

"Because elves takes promises seriously and if they gave you their word they never ever turn back" Roland gasped.

"But I've to go back" cried Emily.

"You have to help us Roland" begged Ellie. Roland knew that if he turned against the word of his lords he would be killed but he grew very fond of the two ladies especially Ellie and in the expense of his own life he was willing to help them but he didn't say the truth to them because he didn't want to scare them. He knew if they come to know about it they would never leave and autumn would pass by "I'd help you both" smiled Roland. Ellie and Emily hugged him tight, Ellie gave a kiss on his cheek & he blushed.

"But you both should be very careful and no one should ever know you are about to leave" Roland warned them.

"Okay" they said jumping in joy, that day they decided to explore the castle together. Emily found out that from a very young age Roland had joined the royal army he didn't know who his parents were and the only family he knew were his companions. The only thing he lived for was to serve his lords and to go against their will was such a big sacrifice for him. Emily wondered Roland must really love Ellie and wish they would end up together as Ellie had never loved anyone in her life before this would be her first and maybe even Roland's as she was thinking Roland interrupted her thoughts "My lady, this is my lord Legolas bedroom" he said as he showed them around. It was a large bedroom with huge Windows, the lights glittered like stars in the middle of the room was a huge bed with white sheets and curtains made of pure spotless white. "This bed is larger than a king size bed" Emily chuckled.

"But my lord don't sleep much, we elves don't need much sleep" Roland said.

At the end of the room Emily saw a box made of white marble "What's in that?" Emily asked.

"I don't know we are not allowed to touch" replied Roland but Emily grew more curious as she heard that and opened the box she saw it was empty and got discouraged

"You shouldn't touch that my lady" Roland said in horror.

"It's empty" Emily replied disappointed.

"Because it is spelled and only my lord knows now please close the box my lady" Roland pleaded. Emily closed the box and walked towards them they left the room and explored the other parts of the castle. Ellie was happily taking pictures from Emily's phone the battery was down to 30% now.

"Please switch it off" Emily said snatching the phone away from her hands "It was on 71% when I switched it on the last time" she growled as she switched off the phone. After some minutes a guard came forward asking them to have dinner they had their dinner in silence and left for their rooms.

"I will come at midnight" Roland whispered to Ellie. Ellie whispered the plan back to Emily as they all headed to their bedrooms.

"I think it's already midnight by now why is Roland taking the time of his life" Emily grew impatient she didn't know the time zone of middle earth and waiting made her lose her patience.

"He will be here don't worry" Ellie comforted Emily. At midnight there was a knock on the Window Ellie opened it and Roland jumped in.

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