The mountain

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As they reached the foot of the mountain they all got out from their boats and started to hike "After such a long time, I'm going back on an adventure" Emily exhaled as she breathed in the fresh scent of the pine trees around her.

"A dangerous one my lady" Joe said.

"Don't scare the lady" Tim stated.

"Yes, five dwarves are here to protect her" Will boasted proudly.

"And even elves" Ellie giggled. They walked for about five hours taking breaks in between because the two ladies were exhausted, finally they reached the border and it was past lunch time.

"We are starved" the ladies said as they sat down on a rock.

"Where are the elves?" Tim questioned at that very moment the elves jumped down from the trees.

"Stop scaring us like that" Lock said under his breath "Finally the dwarves and the ladies are here" Roland said as Ellie walked towards him and gave him a warm hug.

"Where's Legolas?" Emily asked.

"My lady, my lord left for Mirkwood but he would be here before sun down" Roland replied.

"Let's dig in" Sam said opening the lunch boxes.

"We brought lunch for the elves too" Ellie said.

"You guys shouldn't have, elves carry their own bread" Roland replied.

"For once eat human food too" Emily chuckled as they all started to eat.

"So why were you on the trees?" Joe questioned.

"Looking out for orcs" Roland replied.

Emily saw that Roland was with four elves "Did Legolas left alone?" Emily asked.

"No, my lady some guards from the castle came the other day bringing word from the king, so he left with them" Roland replied.

"Before my lord Legolas come, I think we better leave" Roland whispered to Tim.

"There are four armed elves around us, you think they would let us leave like that" Tim whispered back "They don't know the plan, they will follow us where ever we go" Roland whispered again.

"But my lady she's looking for Legolas" Tim whispered again. Roland knew that Emily was eager to meet Legolas and she won't journey without him, he decided to talk to her after lunch.

"My lady, can I have a word with you?" He asked calling her under a tree.

"Of course" she said walking towards him holding the sunflowers.

"You really love the flowers don't you?" he asked.

"They are my favorite flowers and see they don't wither a bit" Emily chuckled.

"They are magical don't forget" Roland replied.

"My lady, I don't know if you would agree with me or not but this I've to tell you the truth...the mountains are flooding with orcs and by the time you find the portal and leave more orcs would flood the mountain because of the treasure and our elf army is with the king in Mirkwood and my lord Legolas, me and four of these elves can't fight an army of orcs alone. So, I say we leave now before lord Legolas comes and find us, if we journey without him he would never have to face the orcs" Roland gasped.

"And what about you and the guards you would be killed" Emily said in horror.

"Our life can't be compared to the life of our lord" Roland replied.

"Even if we leave, Legolas would find us and if he do he would kill you" Emily cried.

"He won't my lady, I know a road to the mountain. Lord Legolas would never take that road he would be going in and around these mountains and we would reach our destination on time" Roland replied.

"This is nonsense, I can't risk the lives of you and the elves or the dwarves" Emily protested.

"Yours and lord Legolas safety is all that matters" Roland replied slowly. Emily knew what she had to do she knew talking with them is pointless so she said "give me an hour to think" and she picked up her back pack and called Ellie for a walk.

"We just had lunch walking is not a good idea" Ellie growled "we are escaping" Emily whispered.

"What?" Ellie whispered back.

"Just keep on walking after they are out of sight, I'll explain" Emily exhaled. After almost fifteen minutes of walk Emily told Ellie everything and she said "we have to go on our own or else the dwarves and the elves would die in the end, we can't take the risk".

"But we don't even know the way" Ellie said in dilemma "I know the way, El" Emily said.

"But how?" Ellie questioned quite amused.

"I never told anyone but this ring it speaks to me and guides me and it have shown me the road to the mountain, a safe path which will help us to hide away from the orcs but we have to be careful that's all" Emily said walking confidently, she was scared from the inside but she didn't show Ellie because she didn't want to scare her best friend.

"Emily you always do the right thing, that's why I love you" Ellie smiled as she quickly hugged her best friend from behind.

As the two ladies were gone for more than an hour back at the lunch spot the dwarves and the elves were looking for them "Where did they go?" Tim questioned "They went for a walk" Roland replied.

"I think they lost their way" Sam panicked as they split up to look for them. An hour have passed and they still didn't find the ladies fear grew in the hearts of the company.

"Did the orcs kidnapped them?" Lock questioned in terror "God forbid" Tim mumbled.

"No sign of Orc prints" Roland said as he came to an assumption that they have escaped "I told the lady about the fate of the elves and the dwarves after the quest and that's why we have to leave without lord Legolas, I guess she left us because of that cos she didn't want our fate to end that way" Roland said sadly "What have you done you fool where would we find them?" Tim yelled.

"We can track them they are not of these woods" Roland said.

"Don't forget she's the lady with the ring she would have never left if she didn't knew the way, she's smarter than you think" Tim gasped. Roland heart sank in terror what would happen if lord Legolas find out about this and where were the ladies, were they safe or not and how can they protect themselves from the orcs. He didn't know what to do anymore fear was all that he felt as he stood and looked at the weary faces of the company.

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