Treasure beneath mountain

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As the company walked into the great door and it closed behind, they were in complete darkness when Gandalf lit his staff a blue ray of light came out from it, it was like a torch.

"It's beautiful" Emily murmured looking at the ink blue light that was coming out from the staff.

"I think, we will find some torches on the way" Tim said as they all followed Gandalf's lead.

"I can't see a thing" Ellie complained to Roland.

"Just keep on walking behind Gandalf and everything will be okay" Roland comforted.

After almost ten minutes of walk which felt like forever in the darkness Gandalf stopped "there are torches here light them up" he ordered as the company began to light up the torches. Emily and Ellie were the only ones who didn't hold a torch because Ellie was with Roland and Emily was with Legolas. Emily realised that she still didn't leave Legolas hand and she was grabbing it tightly as Legolas didn't seem to mind. As they walked in the dark with only their torches to guide them Emily was not looking at the road instead she was staring at Legolas her heart ached as she was going to say goodbye to him and that she won't be see him again, she couldn't belief middle earth was really a place and she was not dreaming, she had really fallen for an eleven prince and the best part about it was Legolas loved her truly this was a fairy tale that every girl dreamed about but her fairy tale was a forbidden one she thought.

They walked for about two hours as they reached a great hall "We shall rest here for the night" Gandalf said as the company began to unpack their baggage and the dwarves were ready collecting woods for fire.

"I saw you, you were looking at Legolas all the way" Ellie smirked.

"I don't know what happened but I couldn't keep my eyes off him, they were stuck on him like a magnet" Emily blushed "I hope he didn't notice" Emily said under her breath.

"He seemed to be in deep thought, he was just walking forward and he didn't even turn once" Ellie mumbled "Yes, I noticed that too" Emily gasped "I hope he's okay, I feel really bad for what happened between us in the morning" she murmured.

"Yeah, he is Em don't worry about it" Ellie smiled. Legolas didn't notice that Emily was staring at him all the way because he was in deep thought thinking of everything that happened in his life from the moment he met Emily their first meeting till date, everything every single detail he was recalling and he didn't know how he would be able to say goodbye to her as the moment approaches.

"Suppers ready" Tim said as everyone began to dig in even Legolas had a hearty meal.

"I see your eating" Emily chuckled.

"Sometimes, I've to" Legolas joked.

After dinner Gandalf called them all and said "so by tomorrow we will all be at the gate of the long lost treasure "Are you sure we are on the right path?" Tim questioned.

"Yes, we are" Gandalf replied in annoyance.

"He's a wizard he knows the way" Legolas chuckled.

"At least someone, trust me here" Gandalf smirked.

"I trust you too" Emily joked lifting up her right hand "We all do" they all yelled and laughed together "I hope these halls won't crack" Ellie burst out laughing "It will only crack if Sam falls" Joe joked.

Everyone was laughing and in hearty tears except Legolas he was looking at the distant "What's the matter?'" Emily asked.

"I've a feeling we are being watched" he said.

"What who will be here in this abandoned mountain?" Emily questioned in terror.

"I don't know my lady, let's hope we are alone" Legolas said looking at her.

"Now you are scaring me, do you know I'm afraid of ghosts" Emily shrugged.

"And you aren't afraid of orcs?" Legolas giggled.

"Orcs and ghosts are different, okay" Emily said annoyingly "I might not be able to get any sleep tonight, I'm getting the chills already" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Are you serious?" Legolas started to laugh.

"You think, I'd be joking now" Emily sounded irritated "Sorry, my lady it's just humans are hard to understand" Legolas smirked.

"Thank you for stealing my sleep" Emily folded her arms "Don't worry, I'll be next to you" Legolas smiled. Emily looked away as she felt nervous "Or you want to spend the night with the ghost" He joked "I can slap you right now" Emily laughed.

"This is the first time, I'm laughing this much" Legolas said holding his breath.

"Same here after a long time" Emily exhaled.

"Well let's laugh now before we cry" Legolas smirked "Why do you say that?" She asked.

"Because when you leave, I'd cry for sure" he gasped.

"Awww Legolas, don't say that you know it kills me that I've to leave you and go" Emily said right after she said that she regretted, she was trying to distance herself from Legolas but they were getting closer than ever.

"Do you mean it?" He asked staring at her. Well now there's no turning back better tell him the truth she thought and replied "yes, I do Legolas. I've grown really fond of you".

"That's all I wanted to hear" Legolas smiled as he hugged her tight and kissed her head. She tried to hold back her tears she didn't knew so much would happen and it would be so hard for her to leave this world especially Legolas.

The next morning Gandalf woke them up "Is it dawn already?" Tim questioned.

"It's so dark don't even know what time of the day it is" Roland said as he woke up. Emily yawned and turned and she saw that on her left Sam was snoring like anything and on her right there was Legolas she fell asleep on his arms. She woke up quickly and woke Ellie up, Legolas woke up massaging his left arm he was wondering if Sam slept on his arms because he saw him rolling there. Emily and Ellie laughed looking at his confused face after breakfast they walked for several hours they lost count of time untill the company felt hungry and halted for lunch after that, they walked for around three hours untill they reached a very large gate made of iron it was thirty feet in height and ten feet in breadth.

"How will we open this?" Tim questioned as Gandalf studied the door it's been an hour since they have been lingering outside the gate.

"My lady, wear the ring once" Gandalf said finally unable to find a solution.

"Okay" Emily nodded picking up the ring she noticed it had shrunk to the size of her finger or maybe she gained weight she didn't know. She wore it and at once she saw some writings appeared on the gate "I can't understand, what is written" she mumbled.

"Maybe, it's written in elvish" Legolas said "hold my hands" he came forward and as Emily hold his hands Legolas saw too. He read the writings in his elvish tongue and at once the gate opened the room was so bright it was glowing and as the company walked in they saw heaps and heaps of treasure. They all stood in awe as they dropped their torches, the dwarves dropped their baggages and ran towards the treasure "Pinch me..........I might be dreaming" Ellie said walking inside with her mouth wide open.

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