The last week of Autumn

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"We have to wait here for lord Legolas only he could find her" Roland gasped as he sat down.

"But how?" Tim questioned.

"She has the sunflowers they are no ordinary sunflowers" Roland replied. As the sun went down Legolas reached the spot on his white horse "Hello, my friends" Legolas greeted the dwarves.

"Hello, prince Legolas" they all greeted him back.

"What's the matter?" He asked looking at their weary faces "My lord, I'm sorry to inform that the two ladies escaped" Roland said.

"What you must be joking? Escaped? How did they escape in the company of dwarves and elves?" He thundered "My lord she has the ring, she would be safe" Tim said slowly.

"You might be behind this" Legolas said as he pointed his sword towards Roland.

"Tell me the truth before I slit your neck" Legolas threatened "I told her the truth my lord, I didn't know she would take such a step" Roland replied in fear "You and your ignorance" Legolas was outraged.

At that very moment they heard a strange sound. "Orcs" Joe screamed as the dwarves armed themselves. The arrows of the elves flew and the company began to fight the orcs, Legolas used his sword to fight as he was holding it already. After an hour of fight some of the orcs fled "No need to go after them" Legolas commanded "the orcs saved you" Legolas looked at Roland.

"My lord, she has the sunflowers" Roland mumbled.

"That's the only good news I heard so far" Legolas spat as he walked forward. The company walked till midnight and they took refuge near a stream everyone fell asleep except Legolas. Emily and Ellie walked and walked untill they found a tree under which they could sleep as they slept off Emily dreamt of home and Travis, she woke up with a shiver in her bones it was dark and only the stars she could see she slept off again. It was almost dawn when Legolas woke the company up "get ready will leave when the sun rises" he said.

As the sun rose on the horizon Legolas went forward and looked at the sun he lifted up his left hand towards the sun and looked at it. "What is he doing?" Lock questioned.

"Maybe some elvish tradition" Joe replied.

"He's searching for the lady" Roland said.

"But how?" Joe asked.

"During Sunrise and sundown the sunflowers look at the sun and that's the time when my lord will know where the lady is" Roland responded, everyone was over joyed.

"We have to go east without halt" Legolas commanded as the company moved forth. As the sun came up Emily and Ellie washed up, had the food which Emily carried on her backpack and they moved forward.

"We have to go down that hill and up that hill and we would reach a valley" Emily said as she pointed towards the east.

"How long will it take?" Ellie asked.

"About five hours, if we don't halt" Emily chuckled.

After six hours they reached the valley "I'm so tired" Ellie growled.

"Me too" Emily said catching her breath.

"I see some berries here, let's eat those" Ellie said.

"Wait let me check" Emily said holding them "Yeah, good to go" she smiled.

"How do you know?" Ellie asked.

"The ring" Emily smirked.

"There's a stream, thank god" Emily and Ellie yelled walking forward. They just sat down and was about to eat the berries when they heard a noise. "What's that?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know" Emily gulped reaching for her backpack to take out the gun at that very moment a tall figure appeared.

"My lady" the man was overjoyed.

"Gandalf" Emily squeaked as she ran and hugged him, Ellie hugged him too.

"I'm glad to see you" Emily said.

"Me too" Gandalf chuckled. Emily told Gandalf about their journey after they left Bree and how they ended up in this valley, Gandalf laughed and said "I heard a lot about you".

"Sunflowers" Gandalf murmured.

"Yes" Emily looked up at him.

"Legolas green leaf" Gandalf said.

"What?" Emily asked confusingly. At that very moment Emily turned around and saw the company coming towards them and Legolas was with them. She couldn't contain her happiness any longer she stood up and went forward, Ellie ran and hugged Roland. Legolas came towards Emily slowly and smiled, she smiled back she was out of words and then he hugged her tightly "I missed you" he said.

"I missed you too" she said "I thought I'd never see you again" she gasped.

"I knew I'd find you" he smiled.

"No hugs for us" Tim joked.

"Oh! well" Emily chuckled as she went and hugged the dwarves.

"Mood killer" Legolas said looking at Tim as everyone started to laugh.

"Gandalf" Legolas called walking forth.

"I'm glad to see you here" Gandalf replied.

"So, am I" Legolas smiled.

"I know what you are up to young elf, I heard the stories" Gandalf smirked.

"As the legend says the heart of an elf can only beat for one" Legolas smiled.

"I know young prince but you know what lies ahead, I hope you are ready" Gandalf gasped as he can clearly see how deep was Legolas love for the mortal.

"This was my decision and I'd live with it" Legolas looked down.

"The love of an elf is hard to find and impossible to break" Gandalf said under his breath as he walked towards the dwarves. Legolas looked at the company and then Emily his heart sank no matter how hard he tries to deny it and how much he tries to tell everyone it's okay he know it's not he knows that when she leaves it would break him because he wouldn't love anything no more, he wouldn't feel anything anymore, he would be like an rock who can't live and who can't die but he didn't regret it a bit because he has never felt like this before he never felt this much alive in his life, he never felt the beauty of love. He never knew what life was, what love was before Emily came into his life and now he have to learn to live without her but his heart would beat for her forever till the end of time.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now