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The King's son he's quite handsome and well mannered only a prince would dress this way Emily thought to herself. All the elves wore green outfits with brown boots and carried long bows and arrows, they were all well groomed and looked very decent. They all held their heads up high but Legolas was still staring at her "I didn't even see him blink" Ellie whispered to Emily.

"Maybe elfs don't blink" Emily whispered back, I hope we are not in trouble Emily thought. As Legolas was talking to the chief of his army in their elvish tongue Emily notice he was the only one with white blonde hair and his armor was made of a pure silver metal and his bow and arrow well carved even his boots were better looking than the rest of the elves.

"Come forth ladies" Legolas called them as they all walked towards the castle. "It's a long way I hope you don't tire?" he asked.

"I can walk and I'm glad we are on our way to Mirkwood" Emily said. Legolas asked her how she got lost in the woods and what business she had with his father and also about the dwarves. Emily told Legolas everything from finding the ring in an old vintage store to her camping trip and coming to this world and how she met Gandalf and the dwarves and how their journey lead them to the elves, Legolas was quite impressed by the way she talked.

"No one has ever spoken to me this way" he said.

"I'm sorry Prince" she replied.

"Don't be sorry, I'm happy you speak your mind. Here in my kingdom everyone treats me like a prince they only listen and don't talk at all and I'd like it if you call me Legolas" Legolas said smiling. Emily was quite happy she met the elves and would be back to her own world soon she also found the elves very interesting. Emily noticed Ellie was not beside her instead she was with the chief of the elves talking about their journey. Well Ellie found a new interested in these woods Emily thought. After almost two hours of walking they stopped at a place.

"Did we reach yet?" Emily asked.

"No, but I could hear something stand behind me" said Legolas. At that very moment Emily heard the voice of Sam "they are my dwarf friends" Emily said. The dwarves heard the sound and came running towards them Will, Lock and Sam were very happy to see their friends. They all hugged each other Legolas didn't look pleased when he saw Emily hugging her dwarf friends.

"Let's move" he said and they all moved forward. Emily was now walking in front of Legolas with Sam, she and Sam were talking about how they got lost. Legolas was listening to their conversation all the way till they reached the castle gate "Wow!I've never seen a castle like this" Emily gasped.

"Then you would be more amazed inside" Legolas smirked. The castle was huge built under a huge Rocky Mountain a bridge connected the woods to the castle gate, the gate was made of very huge irons the carvings on the pillars and the gate were so unique and beautiful that the beauty of the castle couldn't be described in words even Ellie and the dwarves looked at it in awe. They all felt very lucky to be visiting an elf castle as they walked in they saw that it was decorated with candle lights and lanterns of different shapes and sizes, so many bridges connected one place to another. The beauty of the castle was out of this world, the visitors were taken to a huge dinning hall where massive feast was laid.

"Have to your hearts content after this you shall meet the king" Legolas said.

"Thank you" Emily smiled, Emily didn't know what type of items they were but all were made of fruits and vegetables. Elves must be vegetarian she thought as she began to dig in but to her surprise it was more filling and tastier than any dish she had ever had in her entire life. Everyone had the meal merrily they all were very impressed by the hospitality of the elves.

"These elves are not so bad" Joe said.

"Maybe because we are the friends of the lady with the ring" Tim smiled.

"I'm just happy I got food to eat" Sam said and everyone burst out laughing.

After dinner Emily was observing the dining hall and the armed elfs who stood there, they wore armor made of steel but this type of steel she had never heard or saw in her own world at that very moment Ellie came forward and asked "do you know how we are going back?"

"I don't, I've to meet the king first" Emily replied.

"I hope we can stay a bit longer" Ellie gasped.

"I know you are fond of the elf chief" Emily smirked.

"To be honest he's way more hotter than the men in our town don't you think?" asked Ellie.

"To be honest I'd say yes!" Emily chuckled.

"Don't blame it all on me, I've seen you with the prince" Ellie grinned.

"It's just talk nothing else" Emily exhaled.

At that moment the door opened and the chief entered "the king wants to see you both" he said politely as the ladies nodded their heads as a yes "So what's his name?" Emily asked Ellie.

"It's Roland" Ellie said.

"The only normal name I heard so far" Emily giggled. It was a flight of stairs before they reached the top where the king was seated, there were four guards in armor standing like statues. The throne of the king was made of wood but not any kind of wood it was shaped like a reindeer antler and was huge. The lights were so sparkly like diamonds and the king himself was magnificent and glorious dressed in the best attire, Emily and Ellie looked up at him in awe they had no words to express his beauty and glory.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now