The opening of the portal

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Legolas took the chain, he looked down on it and was in tears "how can I say goodbye to you.....this is so hard" he cried. Emily hugged him as tears rolled down her cheeks, he looked at her as he wiped her tears "I've never felt this way before my lady for anyone or anything you mean more than life itself" he said as he hugged her tight. Emily felt that she had everything she ever wanted and now she has to let go, she wanted to drown in her own tears.

"I'll never forget you ever, you will always live in me I promise" she said staring into his eyes.

"Till the end of time there would not be a day when I won't miss you and I won't think about you, if it's in my power i'd make you stay but it isn't" Legolas said in deep sorrow. His heart broke into a million pieces the company felt emotional looking at them even Roland and Ellie were in tears now as the time drew nearer for them to depart.

Legolas stood up "I Legolas greenleaf prince of Mirkwood, son of king thandruil today at this very hall of treasure beneath the great mountain confess my love for the lady till the end of time" as he said those words he kneeled down on one knee and picked up a ring from his pocket it was no ordinary ring but a ring made of pure starlight one of the elves greatest treasure "I love you my lady" he confessed as he put the ring in her finger.

"I love you too" she said with tears in her eyes as they hugged each other tightly.

"Why are you making it so hard for me to leave" Emily cried.

"Because I never wanted you to leave but I know you have to and I've to tell you how I really feel before you left" he said looking into her eyes "If you ever return I promise I'll marry you, the ring I gave you belonged to my mother my father gave it to me, you remember he called me to Mirkwood when I was hunting for orcs? He gave me that time telling me to confess my love for you because he knew I loved you truly.....I'm sorry it took so long" Legolas said with a heavy heart.

"Legolas, this is more than anything I could have ever asked for.....anything I could have ever wished for, I'd treasure it all my life I feel honored and blessed. I'll love you forever" Emily cried as she looked into his blue eyes everyone was almost in tears looking at them as they all stood in silence.

Then Legolas leaned forward and kissed her, she kissed him back. It was like time stopped for that very moment they forgot they were in the great treasure hall with the company the only thing they felt was each other, the only thing that mattered was the moment they had. Then Emily ring glowed from her pocket she felt it she moved her lips away from Legolas and pulled her ring out.

"It's glowing" Gandalf said.

"Maybe, the moon is out" Tim mumbled. Sam picked up the magical stone "it's glowing too" he yelled.

"You can open the portal now" Gandalf looked at Emily with a heavy heart.

Emily looked at Legolas and looked at the company she felt so emotional she hugged the dwarves and kissed their checks as they kissed her cheeks back "I'll miss you all" she said as everyone was in tears. Even Ellie went and hugged and kissed the dwarves. Emily hugged Roland and then Gandalf "Gandalf, thank you for everything we both can never thank you enough for what you did for us from the start, I'm sorry for the way I reacted in the start I hope you would forgive me" she said.

"My lady, I know why you acted strange in the start if I were you I'd have done the same but now you know everything and I'll really miss your presence" he said sadly as he leaned and kissed her forehead. She thanked the elves and the company for their help and everything as she picked up her back pack and the sunflowers on her hand. Ellie and Roland was having an emotional goodbye.

"Promise me, you would come back if you can" Legolas grabbed her hands.

"I'd, I promise" she said.

"I love you, never forget that and all the memories we shared they would live forever they would never perish" Legolas said sadly.

"They will live in me too" Emily said with a heavy heart "I love you my lady and I'll love you...I'll always do until the end of time and that's my word to you and you know we elves never turn back on our words" he said as he kissed her one last time with tears in both their eyes Emily opened the portal and Ellie hold Emily as they disappeared from the treasure hall in a blink and they reached their own world. They ended up in the same woods they went out for camping at the same spot. Emily and Ellie hugged each other and cried Emily put the ring and the magical stone on her back pack and sadly the two best friends made their way down the hill it was a moonlit night as they hike all the way down they didn't talk they were in tears and by the time they reached the cabin Alfred the butler saw them "mistress" he yelled running towards Emily "Where did you go? Are you okay?" He asked in joy.

Emily and Ellie said nothing and with tears they walked inside the cabin. Alfred called their homes and by noon their parents reached. The ladies spoke of nothing, they didn't even say a word of what happened and how it happened "They might be in trauma" the police said as they went back to rose wood. They disappeared for almost a month but Emily's parents covered the news by paying the media and the police so no one in rose wood know about it. Everyone thought they two best friend went for a trip. After their return they didn't even meet for a week, they hardly talked to anyone. They became insociable and locked themselves up in their own rooms. Emily keeps on staring at the sunflowers or keeps playing around with the ring but the magical stone she kept it hidden under lock and key.

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