Portal to another world

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It was 8am when Emily woke up from her sleep, she washed up and headed down to the dinning hall where the others were seated and almost done with breakfast "you guys didn't wait for me" Emily frowned as she sat down in between Tiffany and Lucy "Bacons and eggs with a warm cup of coffee for you miss Wood" said Albert gracefully as he served her "Thank you Albert you know best"
smiled Emily.

After breakfast they all headed to their respective rooms and began to dress up and pack for their hike up the hill. Albert was busy packing their lunch boxes while their RV driver was packing the essentials needed to build their tents. It was almost 11am when they moved out of the cabin it was a 2 hour hike from the cabin to the hill top and none of the girls have ever hiked before except for Albert and the RV driver Rob who were accompanying them to the campaigning area because Tiffany and Emily parents can't risk their children's safety. It was almost 2pm when they reached the site, the ladies were out of breath and hungry. Albert quickly served them their lunch boxes which they had without saying a word as their belly got full and their energy restored they began to look around clicking pictures and singing while Albert and Rob began to set up the tents. By 5pm when everything was done Albert and Rob began to prepare for dinner.

"This Place is beautiful" Emily said as she sat down on a log.

"It's more beautiful at night with the stars" Tiffany said. Lucy and Aria were busy playing cards while Ellie was looking at the distant view by 7pm dinner was served, they all had a hearty meal in the woods and as Albert and Rob began to set the Bonfire the girls began to sing and roast marshmallows. It was a full moon but due to the clouds the moon was unseen "Well, I'll like to go to that clearing and check out the view" Emily said as she began to pick up her back pack.

"I'll come too" Ellie followed.

"Don't get lost" Tiffany joked.

"It's just ten minutes walk idiot" Emily chuckled.

The others began to go back to their singing as Ellie and Emily walked up towards the clearing.
"Well, I can see the smokes of the bonfire from here" Emily said as she inhaled the fresh air of the woods.

"This place is a beauty" Ellie said as they looked up the sky as it was clearing and the full moon was shining.

"Wow! what a beauty" Emily gasped at that moment she noticed Ellie's eyes were fixed on her chest.

"What's the matter?" asked Emily.

"Your chest is glowing" Ellie said.

"Nonsense" Emily laughed as she looked down and saw that something was glittering as she pulled out her necklace she saw that the ring was glittering in the moon light.

"This is amazing" Emily mumbled as she observed the ring, then she noticed a writing inside the ring which was visible only in the moonlight.

"Something is written" Emily said as Ellie came forward and put her arms around Emily's shoulders.

"What is written?" Ellie asked.

"The ring would find my love" Emily said.
As that very sentence left Emily's lips a white light appeared from the sky they were surrounded by a thick wave of storm, like they were inside a cyclone. The girls screamed as they hold each other tight and beams of lights of thunder and lightning began to appear. The sun was shining when Ellie woke up.

"What a dream" she murmured as she looked around and saw Emily laying next to her.

"Wake up Em we are sleeping on the grass" Ellie said as she shook her, Emily got up with a hundred questions on her head but was silent.

"Ouch! my head hurts" Emily said as she turned her head and looked around.

"Where are the others and where are we" Ellie wondered.

"This place looks different it is not the same woods" Emily said.

They didn't know what was happening at that time at a distant they saw a tall figure riding a horse coming towards them. They stood up in shock the old man got down from his horse and came forward, he was tall and old he wore a long grey robe with a pointed hat and hold a long wooden staff.

"Hello there" he said with a smile, the two ladies stood in awe.

"Do I know you?"Asked Emily.

"No, but I know you" replied the old man politely.

"How do you know me? And who are you?" Emily asked a bit terrified.

"I know where you came from and how you came. I am Gandalf the grey" he introduced himself.

"What?" Emily asked, this must be a joke she thought Tiffany was really behind this mischief. She whispered into Ellie's ears "this might be the work of Tiffany", Ellie wondered what pranks rich people play to one other.

"You don't belief me do you?"Asked the old man.

"I'm not an idiot, I know Tiffany is behind this" Emily said.

"Strange world you come from" said Gandalf.

"This is creeping me out" Ellie murmured.

"Come with me and you will know" called Gandalf.

"I don't think we should go with him" Ellie hesitated.

"This is a joke El" Emily replied as she followed the old man while Ellie tagged along. They walked for 30minutes as they reached a small village.

"Wow! what is this?" Emily asked.

"This is the town of Bree" said Gandalf. Emily stopped, this prank is going too far she thought she was outraged at Tiffany.

"I know you doubt me but come forth you would know" said Gandalf.

"Should we go with him?" asked Ellie.

"He's our only hope at the moment as we are lost"said Emily. As they entered the town of Bree it was old very old and everything was ancient.

"This must be a movie set" Emily said under her breath. Ellie was really freaked out and was holding Emily's hand tightly as the people of Bree were staring at them like they were some kinds of aliens.

"These people had never seen people like you with such clothings ignore them" Gandalf said smiling. As Gandalf walked inside an inn by the name Prancing Pony, Ellie hesitated again and asked Emily "should we go in? Do you think this is a good idea?"

"Do we even have a choice at the moment" Emily said as she looked up at the clouded sky which was about to pour down.

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