Breakfast with the King

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They all stood up at the sight of the king and the prince, sweet music of the harp was played all over the dining hall as the king took his seat on his chair and Legolas next to him they all sat down.

"Let the feast begin" thranduil said as all began to dig in. Emily was quite lost in her own thoughts thinking about home and her parents, Legolas noticed that she didn't talk to anyone nor touched her plate and as Legolas was staring at Emily Thranduil noticed that he had a keen interest on this mortal. Thranduil asked the dwarves about their business and their kin which Tim answered politely whereas, the other dwarves and Ellie were busy filling their belly with food.

"Legolas, you haven't touched your food yet?" Thranduil asked but Legolas didn't reply his eyes were fixed on Emily and Emily's eyes were fixed on her food but she wasn't eating, she looked like she was in deep thought.

"My dear lady, what's the matter?" Thranduil asked.

"Nothing" Emily replied politely.

"Then why haven't you touched your plate yet?" He asked "I didn't mean to be rude my king but I was thinking about home and got quite lost" she said smilingly.

"Well have your food now, you have plenty of time to think about home later" the king said. The king noticed that Legolas was eating now but he knew that his son had changed after he met the lady, the king feared what's going to happen next but he didn't mention it as it was wiser to talk to Legolas later. After a hearty breakfast they all thanked the king and left the dinning hall as Legolas stood up the king stopped him.

"We need to talk son" he said "Leave us alone" he commanded his guards. As they all left the king stood up and walked towards the huge Windows and kept silent.

"What's the matter Ada?" Legolas asked.

"I fear you know what's wrong" said the king.

"No, I don't" Legolas looked puzzled.

The king walked towards Legolas and kept his hands on Legolas shoulders "son, I can see that you are quite fond of the lady" he said. Legolas smiled to himself "you know it's forbidden for an elf to fall for anyone except his kind" thranduil looked at him.

"I know Ada" Legolas replied.

"Tell me then what I fear is not true?" Thranduil asked curiously, Legolas looked away and said nothing. Thranduil sank down on his chair "what have you done? Do you know what you got yourself into?" He questioned.

"I know what I've done" Legolas replied slowly.

"It's not as easy as you say Legolas" thundered thranduil as he stood up and walked around restlessly "She's a mortal and she's not even of this world, one day she would leave and it will break you more than anything" thranduil said.

"But what is done is done I can't change it, I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with her" Legolas replied "It's a forbidden love, you know that how could you even fall for her" Thranduil said with a heavy heart.

"Ada, I didn't plan to fall in love with her it just happened...when I first saw her in the woods I felt something which I've never felt before and after talking to her and knowing her I couldn't stop myself from falling for her it's not in my power to control my heart or my feelings for her" Legolas said.

"I suffered so much when your mother passed away Legolas it was a pain I couldn't take, it consumed me but you were a boy that time and because of you I got the strength to live on for you. I don't want you to suffer the way I did, your mother was an elf but she passed away in a battle I could have stopped her from dying if I had stopped her in going to the battle with me but it was my fault for which I blame myself till date but Legolas she's mortal she have to die one day or the other and you can't help it, you can't stand the pain son you can't" the king said with tears on his eyes.

"Ada, I know but I couldn't stop it and now I've to live with it. I don't know how I'd live if she ever leaves but I'd try" he said with a heavy heart.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this son" the king said "It's not your doing father it's mine, I fell for her even when I know I shouldn't because there's something in her that no one possess and I hope you respect my decision" Legolas said as he walked out of the room. The king couldn't imagine what has happened and the future he feared the most.

At the same time Emily and Tim were sitting on the balcony admiring the view of Mirkwood "I couldn't complete my talk yesterday" Tim said breaking the silence "Yeah, Legolas popped out of no where" Emily chuckled.

"The thing I'm going to tell you is serious" Tim said.

"You are scaring me" Emily replied.

"You should be scared because you don't know the future" Tim said.

"What future? What do I've to do with the future?" Emily asked in confusion.

"If the Prince have really fallen in love with you, his future is in danger because you are not of this world and you are a mortal" Tim gasped.

"What does that mean?" Emily was more confused.

"If you ever leave prince Legolas he would lose himself, he will grow numb and insane and it's very dangerous when an elf grows numb and let's not forget he's a prince his kingdom depends on him" Tim said.

"I didn't plan for this to happen.....I swear" Emily said slowly trying not to Panick.

"I know you didn't my lady" Tim said rubbing her back. Emily was in total confusion in this hunt for the portal to her own world she never thought she would meet an elf Prince and he would fall for her and all these problems would come up.

"Let's just hope what I think is not true" Tim said in order to cheer her up but he knew the truth already Legolas had fallen for her but he didn't want to say it directly to her because he could see she was already panicking since she had no idea about anything.

"I hope it's just your imagination and I hope he never falls for me" Emily gasped looking down.

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