Legolas journey

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As Legolas left Rivendell the only thing that was running through his mind was his chief and the two ladies getting lost in the Greenwood's, I should have never left the castle in the first place he thought to himself. It was dark and the paths he will be taking will be flooding with orcs but he didn't care he just rode on without halt, his five guards rode behind him but they couldn't catch up to the speed of Legolas his horse was very swift and powerful and within sometime they lost track of their lord Legolas. They were in deep fear but they knew their lord would take the shortest way back to Mirkwood and so they followed his trail.

It was almost midnight when Legolas stopped by a river, he was not tired but his horse was "we both should rest for a while" Legolas said as he laid down beside his horse "I just can't belief they are lost, if something happens to her how would I live with myself" he asked himself as tears began to fill his eyes, many thoughts clouded his mind as he tried to fall asleep. Before the sun rose Legolas got up and sat on his horse an hour and it would be dawn he thought, I should move now.

He rode his horse for the whole day without rest and as the sun went down he stopped near a stream and let his horse drink and graze on the grass. After he left Rivendell Legolas didn't eat nor drink, his only focus was to find Emily and after that only he would sip on water he made up his mind he didn't care even if he died of dehydration or hunger at that time because he thought Emily would be in a worser condition then he is now. As the sun rose up Legolas rode and by two and half days he reached Mirkwood. He stormed into the castle everyone was scared and silent, he questioned the gate keepers, the servants and the armed elves but no one knew where they went and how they got lost. As Legolas entered his room to take his best knives before he left in search of them he noticed the white marble box had turned blue. Someone had touched it he was more outraged then he opened it and saw that it was Emily who had touched it, he was relived to see the sight of her in the box. It was a magical box where Legolas stored his memories the box captures memories and store it and as he looked into the box properly he saw what Emily was doing there in his room and he found out a part of her memory she kept away from Legolas. They left for lake town Legolas was outraged at the thought that his very own chief the one he trust the most betrayed him, Legolas called two of his elves and they headed towards lake town.

They went down till the bank of the river from their horses so it took them only four hours to reach, there were no boats near by 'I'd swim if I've to' legolas thought desperately but at that very moment he sighted Bard collecting barrels "Hey you are the barrel men from lake town aren't you?" He asked as he walked towards Bard.

"Yes, I'm my lord Legolas" Bard replied.

"You know me?" Legolas asked.

"You are the elven prince of Mirkwood the one and only son of king thranduil everyone knows you" Bard chuckled "Can you take us to lake town I'd pay you in gold" Legolas offered.

"I'd love to my lord but my boat is not here yet, we have to wait for an hour" Bard replied.

"I'm impatient and in a hurry" Legolas growled.

"I know you are" Bard exhaled.

"What do you mean?" Asked Legolas in annoyance he was really in a hurry and he didn't have the time to wait.

"My lord, I know you look for the lady" Bard replied.

"How do you know that who told you?" Legolas pointed his sword right in front of Bard's neck, Bard didn't see that coming as elves were really swift.

"My lord I mean no harm, your lady is safe she's at my place with her friend and your chief" Bard replied. Legolas put his sword down "I didn't know that, I'm really sorry for the way I acted you should know I'm really tensed" he smiled and apologized.

"She's waiting for her dwarf friends to take her to the mountains but I don't trust no dwarf my lord, I was hoping you could take her there instead even your chief is there but he can't protect them both I was hoping you would come before they leave and I'm glad you did" Bard smiled.

"And I'm glad I met you" Legolas said.

"How many golds you want for your service?" Legolas asked "It's not in my place to ask from you my lord" Bard replied.

"But you took care of them when I thought they were lost or captured by orcs and for everything that you have ever done, I'd pay you hundred coins in gold" Legolas said. Bard was drowning in happiness "My lord thank you, thank you" he said kneeling down before him.

"Get up my good man, the world needs more people like you who are generous and kind and who looks out for others rather than themselves" Legolas said smilingly "this is just a token of appreciation" Legolas said. An hour passed by and Bard boat arrived he carried the barrels and loaded his boat even the two guard elves of Legolas helped him and as soon as they were done they wasted no time and headed towards the town.

Legolas was in deep thought he felt really betrayed by Roland and the two ladies but most of all he felt really insulted Roland went against his command he couldn't forgive him he thought, he couldn't belief Emily could betray him like that. Humans are weak he knew and because she's one and he loved her he could forgive her but an elf disobeying their lord there was no forgiveness the penalty was death. They sailed slowly as they reached the gates of lake town. "Bard your bringing many visitors" laughed the gate keeper "Visitors loves me" Bard joked as they entered the gate. Emily was sipping her cup of hot tea when she notice that the sunflowers were glowing, this can't be she thought. Roland looked at her and then looked at the flowers "my lady we have a problem" he said at that very moment the door swung opened and Bard came in with a big smile.

"Da" his children's yelled merrily.

"Oh my gosh!" Screamed Anna in excitement as the two guards and Legolas appeared.

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