Battle with the Orcs

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The company had been traveling for the past two days tales were told about the great mountains, the elves, the dwarves and the men. Ellie and Emily learned a lot from Gandalf, the dwarves and also Legolas. They were lucky Legolas had his horse, they didn't have to walk as the house carried them it made their travel easy "the horse would be hating us" Ellie giggled as Emily got up and walked towards the horse.

"He seems to like me" Emily smirked as she fed the horse "My lady, you are wise nimbus don't let anyone touch him untill he allows it by himself" Legolas said as he pet nimbus head.

"Nimbus! wow such a great name" Emily petted the horse too.

"He's named by my kin and was breed for the royal blood among the elves" Legolas said as he walked around nimbus.

"He's the most handsome horse, I've ever seen so far and he's really strong" Emily smiled.

"And intelligent as well as brave my lady, he's no ordinary horse he has a mind of his own" Legolas smirked "The horse is smarter than the master you say" Emily chuckled.

"Was that suppose to hurt?" Legolas chuckled as he fed nimbus with some wild fruits.

"I don't know what you both are talking about but I had a hearty lunch for the first time after we left the company" Ellie chuckled as she came and stood besides Emily.

"Me too, but I couldn't have more...I ate two apples on the way remember" Emily giggled.

"You both eat more than I expected" Legolas smirked "In our world ladies love to eat" Emily laughed "And what do you have there?" Legolas asked curiously.

"From fruits to vegetables, to sweets to meat, to every kind of item that doesn't exist in this world" Emily replied merrily.

"Are you thinking about them now?" Legolas started to laugh "No" Emily laughed as she punched his shoulders softly.

"We have to move now" Gandalf announced moving forward. The company walked for about two hours as the middle of the afternoon approached Gandalf halted "we can't go no further" he said.

Legolas stopped as he heard tremendous footsteps on the ground "Do I think what it is?" Emily whispered to Tim.

"I'm afraid your right my lady" he looked at her in horror "What's going on guys?" Ellie questioned.

"Orcs" Roland looked at Ellie.

"I'm afraid we are out numbered" Gandalf said in despair "Get upon nimbus he would take you to safety" Legolas said as he came forward and cupped Emily's face.

"I ain't going no where, Gandalf and the elves can escape the Orc pack if they run but the dwarves can't run as fast as you all" Emily protested.

"You have to go, do you know how dangerous it is for you to be here" Legolas said in despair.

"The lady is right, we would need her assistance" Gandalf said coming towards them.

"Are you serious?" Legolas questioned in horror.

"Don't forget, she is the lady with the ring" Gandalf replied "Ellie you should leave now, get upon nimbus" Emily yelled.

"But where would I go?" Ellie asked in terror.

"Nimbus will take you to a safe place" Legolas said as Ellie got upon the horse and rode away.

As the company armed themselves the sound grew stronger and louder "They are almost here" Gandalf yelled. As the Orcs appeared Emily couldn't belief her eyes they looked exactly like the monsters she saw from the movies, they were in all shapes and sizes and they all looked so ugly, mean and they stink badly "Stand behind me, my lady" Legolas said as he began to fight the orcs. Emily was speechless and motionless as she began to watch the orcs and the company in battle. Some of the orcs came towards her but they couldn't touch her, it was like an invisible shield of armour surrounded her, the orcs screamed in distress and anger.

"What did you do?" Legolas yelled from the other side "Nothing" Emily yelled back.

The orcs surrounded her but they could harm her she knew something saved her but she didn't know what and she didn't know how to use it to protect her friends, she closed her eyes and tried to focus. As she tried her best to focus she saw images on her head there were thousands of them. She didn't know what they were trying to show her but as she tried to focus more she saw that if she lifted up her right arm and focused on the shield alone with an clear empty mind she could expand her shield and protect her friends. As Gandalf saw what she was up to he rushed towards her and yelled "my lady now".

At that very moment she tried her level best to focus on the shield alone as she lifted up her hand and focused on it more the shield grew and the orcs backed off slowly. They all screamed in terror as they saw what she could do at once Gandalf stood next to her and hit the ground with his stuff casting a spell across the land in a weird tongue Emily couldn't understand at that very moment a huge sound came out from it and a wave of light that looked liked the lights of a thousand sparks came out and a tremendous sound of thunder was heard.

At once the wave reached almost a hundred mile and the orcs screamed and tremble in pain and agony as they fell to the ground. As Emily fell down towards the ground Gandalf was quick enough to drop his staff and catch her. They both were exhausted and in pain "A lot of her energy has been drained" Gandalf said slowly. Emily closed her eyes and fell into deep slumber she was very exhausted and she couldn't remember anything when she opened her eyes she saw she was moving but she didnt knew how but then she looked up and saw Legolas. For a moment she couldn't understand what was happening but later she saw that Legolas was carrying her on his arms and they were walking.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You woke up" he smiled as he looked down on her.

"Can you put me down?" She asked in confusion.

"Let's stop here for a while" Legolas said as he placed her down on the grass gently.

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