Death of Love

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{Harry's POV}

I had a pretty normal life. I had a nice job at the local café, I had nice friends, I had a supportive family. It was really cool. I loved my job. I worked there with my best friend Kendall, who was insanely irritating but I love her and wouldn't change her for the world.

I knew something was missing, though. I didn't know what that was but I knew that something wasn't right. I also had the feeling that something bad was about to happen which was really worrying. I told Kendall about it and she told me to relax, that it was my imagination and so I did. It was weird.

I got out of bed groggily and started getting ready to work. I never minded getting up to go to work but for any other reason I hate it and would never do it. It was weird. I got changed into a black button up shirt with black skinny jeans and black and white ankle boots, brushing my brown shoulder length hair so it would look presentable.

I got the text from Kendall to make sure that I was working today even though we both know when we're working together. I don't mind working without her but it isn't as fun, not having Kendall about.

I grabbed my keys and made my way out of my house, starting to walk to the café.

Little did I know my life was about to change.

A.N- This didn't save so I had to completely re-write it. That's been happening all day. This isn't the best but it does ~slowly~ get better. I hope. I took this down to edit the entire fic and I'm going to update it every Monday and I should hopefully stick to that now that I've finished writing Maybe One Day. I've also changed the cover and it's much better than the last, thankfully. That other one was terrible, it was so bad! But I hope you enjoy this fic and if you want some updates on how it's coming along and how my other fics are doing then check out my Instagram dizzy_royal_renegade! Until next time guys! <3

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