
I led Gabriel to the weapons vault where everyone else were, including the demons and reapers that were outside when we had that 'talk' thing. They were all trying out different weapons, Brendon sticking with his blades but everyone else trying new stuff. One of the demons who I hadn't met before any of this looked incredibly out of it, but I put it down to stress. We're all stressed at this point.

Gabriel went towards Brendon and the daggers, making me chuckle. What is it with these guys and daggers? Daggers aren't that practical. Sure, they're good for throwing but unless you have incredible aim you can't do much damage unless you get up close. Surely something else would be better? The guns are much better. Then again, you still have to have a relatively good aim. The thing with throwing daggers is if it doesn't kill them then they can easily take the dagger. At least with a gun they can't really use the bullet. Why am I thinking about this?

"Did you find the sword?" Michael asked, his blue eyes focused on Gabriel. Gabriel looked up from the dagger he was inspecting, his big green eyes seemed cold as his gaze landed on Michael. He always seemed guarded when with his brothers, it's weird. He was like a different person when it was just us, but now he's withdrawn. I don't get it.

"Don't you have any faith in me, brother?" Gabriel retorted, a wicked smirk on his face. He looked almost predatory, it was enough to scare anyone. The way he said 'brother' made it obvious that they don't get along and I really don't want to get in the middle of their feud.

"I do, though trust is a completely different story." Michael replied. He seemed almost as cold as Gabriel, but he wasn't as intimidating. He's like Chris Hemsworth, he looks like a golden Labrador, he looks like he'd never hurt anyone. Michael looks like an angel, but I don't doubt he's dangerous. He's an archangel, after all. They're one of the most powerful creatures, I don't want to underestimate them. "It's why you're not coming with us." What? I looked back at Gabriel and he looked eerily calm, though the fire in his eyes was hard to miss. This isn't good. Maybe letting Gabriel speak now won't be a good idea.

"Look, I don't know what's going on but you guys need to put this little thing behind you just for today. I don't give a shit if you never speak to each other after this, but now, we need you guys to actually trust each other and help us." I stated, making everyone look at me. Gabriel's expression didn't change which scared me even more. "Gabriel and I will go get the sword, that way he won't be alone and maybe you can trust that he won't do anything." I hate getting involved in family drama but now isn't the time for it.

Gabriel still looked pissed off which scared me, but Michael and Uriel seemed at ease. It looked like I helped but I wanted to avoid pissing Gabriel off. He scares me and I have to be alone with him while he has sharp objects. I should've kept my mouth shut. Having Michael and Uriel annoyed with me would be better than Gabriel. Shit.

"When are we leaving?" Alex asked. I didn't realise he was here. I then realised that all of the reapers and demons were there too. Why didn't I realise that? I only noticed the demon with purple hair, Awsten, I think. He still seems out of it and it's concerning.

"It's almost two-thirty, so Louis and Gabriel should leave in about half an hour to get the sword. We'll leave about ten minutes after them." Brendon replied, hiding the three daggers in his pockets.

Why did I volunteer to go with Gabriel while he was pissed off?


"So you both know the plan?" Brendon asked, Gabriel and I nodding in reply. I don't want to do this.

"We'll let you know if anything goes wrong." I replied. Brendon nodded and I sighed, realising what could go wrong. How much I can lose. Shit.

Gabriel teleported us up to heaven, into the central building. Apparently this is where Sam is and where the sword is. We were in the middle of a hallway, and it was completely empty. It felt cold, which wasn't normal for an angel hide-out. Sam has more of an effect here than I thought. Not even Hell feels this cold, and that's saying a lot.

Gabriel started walking down the haunting hallway and I followed, making sure to move quietly, though he was being as loud as he wanted. Isn't the point of this to not be caught? I'll get killed on sight if I'm seen, we really shouldn't be drawing attention to ourselves! Maybe Gabriel just wants me killed. I really shouldn't trust him, but I just do. I don't know why. I don't understand this.

"You seem tense." Gabriel told me, not looking at me or stopping. I turned to look at him, still not stopping. He then turned his head ever-so-slightly and let his warm green eyes lock with mine. He cocked a 'brow and my heart almost stopped. How does he look so perfect? He's absolutely beautiful and I can't get enough of him. "Worried about your human?" Human? What? Oh shit! I forgot about Harry.

"Uh, y-yeah, I am." His eyes captivated me, but damn, the smirk that grew when I (annoyingly) stuttered, it made my knees weak.

"Mhm, sure about that?" His smirk was growing by the second and I couldn't even find the strength to reply. I knew I would stutter and that's exactly what I don't want. What's wrong with me? Why am I reacting like this? I finally found the strength to reply but when I opened my mouth no sound would come out. Why the fuck am I reacting like this? Gabriel chuckled and gave me his best predatory smile. Damn.

I turned away from him and I felt his hands on my wrists and all of a sudden I was pinned against the wall, one of his hands holding mine above my head. I looked up in shock and saw his fiery green eyes staring into mine and a predatory smirk on his face.

I shouldn't have trusted him.

A.N- Hey! I'm sorry for the incredibly late update but I've got an exam coming up and I'm shitting it. Anyway, I might update again this week but it depends how bad my writers block gets but I'll definitely update next Monday :)

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