{Louis' Pov}

Alex rushed over to Jack, who was still unconscious and he looked really scared, love him. "What happened?" Alex asked. The worry was prominent in his voice which made my heard break for him. He and Jack are so in love, anybody can see it.

"Angels attacked and Jack got stabbed." Brendon replied. Dallon went to him and put a hand on Brendon's shoulder and Brendon smiled at him, going back into human form. They're so in love too, everyone's in love at the moment.

"Are you okay?" Brendon asked Dallon.

"I'm fine." Dallon smiled back.

"What are you going to do with Sam then?" Zayn questioned. Finally getting to the important stuff.

"I don't know." Brendon answered. "I don't want to retaliate because that might be playing into his game. I don't know what I'm going to do."  Sam's smart, retaliating could be a part of his plan but if we don't he might do something else. It's so fucking stupid.

"Do you even know why?" I asked.

"I haven't seen or spoken to him since that little 'discussion'." Brendon replied.  "I can't believe the dick though! We had a deal that neither of us would attack unless it was crucial!" We haven't done anything so how could an attack be crucial?

"Kill him." Zayn shrugged, making everybody look at him in shock. "Why do you all look surprised? How many times has he done something like this? Hurt someone innocent for no reason. Seems like the best option." He shrugged. Damn, didn't think he had it in him.

"How, though?" Josh asked. "Not saying we do it or anything; but it would be tricky." He'd have guards around him constantly and he'd expect it now more than ever.

"If we all put our heads together, we have a chance." Zayn replied. We'd have a very small chance. It's not worth the risk.

"I don't know. He's stronger than he lets on." I stated. "It's risky. Just talk to him first, ask him about this."

"It's what I'm going to do. What are you doing tomorrow?" Brendon asked.

"You want me to make sure neither of you do anything stupid?" I questioned. I'm not normally the referee, that's usually Brendon's job.

"Yeah." Brendon replied.

"Call him." I sighed and Brendon got his phone out.

My phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hello?" I answered.

"We've got a slight problem." A voice spoke through the speaker. Patty, another one of my guards. What the fuck's happened now?

"What's happened?" I asked stiffly.

"Angels just passed the barrier and they're right outside and there's only three of us here." Patty replied quickly.

"How many angels?" I questioned. What the fuck's Sam playing at?

"I don't know, there's at least fifteen." He sighed.

"I'll be there now." I replied, hanging up. "Zayn, we've got to go."

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked. He seemed really concerned. So he should be.

"Angels." I replied stiffly.

"We're coming with you." Brendon spoke. I knew I couldn't argue, he's a stubborn prick and I know better than to waste time arguing with him.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Dallon, stay here with Alex and Jack. Presumably you're staying to watch Jack, Alex." Brendon smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I want to make sure he's okay." Alex frowned. "If you need me though I'll come."

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now