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-5 years later-                      {Louis' POV}

"No, it's all really confusing! Like what if we're literally just a figment of someone's imagination?" Brendon asked after taking a hit of the blunt that was being passed around. I watched as he passed it to Gabriel, who took it and took a hit with a smile.

I looked around the room and smiled, loving how things have worked out. I watched as Brendon and Dallon were being a gross couple on the sofa, their demeanours more relaxed as Dallon was now a demon. They staged a suicide. I know it hurt Dallon to do that to his friends and family but it was what he ultimately wanted to do, so we did it.

Patty and Awsten were sat opposite them, Patty almost on Awsten's lap. I never thought they'd be a couple, but apparently they'd been together since a week before the whole Sam situation happened in Heaven. I was surprised to find out, but I was happy for them. Even though I'd only met Awsten once, he made Patty happy.

Alex and Jack were sat on the corner of the sofa, cuddling together. They were still head over heels for each other and it was incredible. It was gross to watch at times, they were very PDA, but it was nice seeing them both so happy.

Sitting by them were Niall and Zayn. They stopped arguing and they were engaged. Zayn proposed last year, while they were on a date in Paris. It was disgustingly cute and cliché, but I couldn't help but find it cute.

Ryan and Michael were next. I never suspected them as a couple, but not long after Ryan became god, they started seeing each other. It was really cute. Speaking of Ryan, he's been such a nice guy. He fits in really well, and for the first time in centuries, we all live in peace, working together in harmony. It's been amazing.

I turned to see Harry and Liam cuddling on the sofa. It surprised me when Liam came up to me asking if it as okay to ask Harry on a date. He only asked because Harry's my ex, and he didn't want to upset me or anything. I was supportive of their relationship from the start, and I guess that surprised them for some reason, but they're both together and happy, and that's all that matters.

Then there's Gabriel and I. We officially became a thing about a month after Sam died, then he proposed last year. Unlike Niall and Zayn who are taking their time with the wedding, doing it whenever they can be arsed, we've got a date, and it's only a month away. I couldn't wait to finally be able to call Gabriel my husband. Just the thought of it caused me to smile.

"Dude, you're so high." Gabriel laughed, passing the blunt back to Brendon. Brendon took the blunt and laughed, agreeing with him. This is what our Saturday nights look like. Just all together, enjoying being together.

We've started living each day like it's our last, because who knows, it may be. What happened with Sam was a wake up call, it crushed us all, but it brought us happiness. We're all incredibly happy, so I guess something good came out of the situation. I guess I have something to thank Sam for.

"Lou?" Gabriel looked at me, his voice soft and calm. "You look deep in thought, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, darling. Just thinking about how lucky I am." I grinned in reply, unable to hide my happiness.

"I love you, you sappy bugger."

"I love you too, you dickhead."

A.N- This is it! Ah! It's done! I can't explain how happy I am to finish this! I started writing this ages ago and it's amazing to see it finally finished. It wasn't how I was originally going to end it but honestly, I just couldn't think of a happy ending with Harry and Louis staying together so this happened.

Anyway! I recently started a new book, it's called Avengers Group Chat and it would mean the world to me if you could check it out! It's really weird but it is what it is.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story, and hopefully I'll see you in the next one <3

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