
Everything happened so fast.

I saw Sam go to push the blade through Gabriel's heart and I moved my hand to the side, throwing Sam across the room, hitting a wall. All I could see was red, and I was scaring myself.

I looked at Gabriel, and saw him crouching on the floor, in pain. Michael was next to him, his hand on Gabriel's back, and I could see the blood. Michael looked at me and nodded as if to say he's okay, and I nodded in return.

I started walking over to Sam, and he smirked, slowly starting to get up. I saw the sword a couple of feet away from him, and I used my magic to get rid of it. It's too dangerous having it here now.

"And you don't care about him." Sam smirked, cocking a 'brow.

"At least I care about someone." I frowned, trying to get him away from the wall. "At least I have someone that keeps me sane, that stops me from becoming like you. A sad, pathetic asshole who feeds off of other people's pain. I have put up with you for centuries, Sam, but I can't anymore." I got closer to him and he rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the wall. He took a few steps closer to me, so we were close.

"Louis, may I remind you of what you were like? You were worse than me!" Sam growled, anger radiating from him. "You killed anyone and everyone, for no reason!"

"And I regret all of it." I frowned, knowing he was right. I was ashamed of my past, but I know I have to own up to it.

"Do you regret killing my brother?" Sam asked and I looked at him in shock. "He did nothing to you, and you killed him."

"He killed me!" I almost yelled, the anger becoming too much. I could barely see right, and it scared me.

"Then you killed him for no reason! You came here, you're still around, but you know what happens to us when we die!" I don't ever remember doing that. I didn't think I'd seen him since that day...

"I would apologise but after what you've done to me, I really don't care." I needed Brendon to hurry up. He was taking his time and it was annoying. I couldn't do anything but wait, but I don't know why he's not doing anything. He has a clear shot.

I hid my impatience and tried to act natural, but my anger was radiating off of me. I clenched my fist, trying to act natural, but I couldn't. I then looked behind Sam at Gabriel, who was losing a lot of blood. The sword has the same effect on an Angel as an average knife would have on a human, and that was a fatal stab. He seemed fine but I couldn't see him that well.

I watched Sam carefully, noticing that Sam's calm demeanour was slowly faltering, making me smirk. I was getting under his skin, and it felt good. I took a step closer to him, my demeanour growing more confident. I couldn't help but feel good, knowing that I was getting to him. I finally had an advantage, and I was not throwing away my shot.

"You know, Sam, you can do whatever the hell you want to me, I really don't care, but you've killed so many of the people I care about and that's something I can't forgive. So what, I killed your brother? Look at what you've done to me! If you're pathetic enough to pull all the shit you have because I killed one person unknowingly, what do you expect me to do? You have killed so many of my friends, how do you expect me to react?" I asked, growling. "I won't sink low enough to kill the people you care about, if you care about any. They don't need to suffer for your bullshit actions. You do. You deserve to pay for all the harm you've done, and today is the day you do. I won't let you hurt anyone else. That's one thing I'm going to promise you."

Right after I finished that speech Brendon teleported behind Sam and stabbed him through the heart, making Sam freeze and slowly sink to his knees, blood seeping through the wound and his mouth, he ended up chocking on it. I smiled watching him, enjoying seeing this. I couldn't believe it had finally happened.

He fell to his side, his eyes rolling back. Once I was sure he was dead I ran to Gabriel, seeing the wound was still bleeding, Michael was putting pressure on it. I motioned for him to move his hand and I replaced it with mine, muttering a spell and then the wound started healing. I smiled as it worked, seeing Gabriel visibly relax, and I assumed the pain faded. He then turned to me, his skin incredibly pale, and he smiled slightly.

"We won." He smiled, slowly trying to stand up. I saw him struggling so I quickly helped him up, letting him lean on me for support. I then saw Liam rush over to Harry's dead body and I frowned, remembering about him. Michael quickly wrapped Gabriel's arm around his shoulder, letting me go to Harry. I bit my lip looking at his dead corpse, my heart breaking.

"What do we do?" Liam asked me, and I frowned. I don't know. I don't think a reaper would work, he would never be able to take the souls of the innocent, and Hell wouldn't work because of the torture. Shit.

"Who's the second here?" I asked, curious. A guy walked up, he couldn't have been older than thirty. He had bright blue hair and he was pretty pale. He looked like an angel.

"I am." He spoke confidently. "I never agreed what Sam was doing, but I couldn't stop him. I'm sorry." He spoke and I smiled softly at him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I smiled softly, watching a white glow warp around him. "Do you mind if I turn him into an angel?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Not at all. It's the least I could do after what Sam did." I watched as the glow consumed him, the light blinding. After a couple of seconds it faded, then there was a new aura around him. He's now god.

"What's your name?" I asked, wanting to know him. He seems much nicer than Sam, and I already like him.

"Ryan." He replied, with a smile.

"I look forward to getting to know you, Ryan." I smiled. I then gave Liam a nod and he gently placed his hand on Harry's, his spirit coming out, a white aura consuming him. He looked at us, and I could see his fear. I couldn't bear it. It broke my heart.

"I'm sorry."

A.N- This was the last chapter! The next is the epilogue! Thank you guys so much for reading this! It means so much, and I hope you've enjoyed it

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