
I know I shouldn't trust Uriel but it's my only option. The plan Brendon and Zayn came up with is shit, having Uriel help will be amazing. Maybe it won't be so bad. Uriel seems like a nice guy. I led him to the office and he summoned a couple of the other archangels, all seeming really happy to help. I don't trust any of them, especially Gabriel, but they're our only shot at getting Sam.

"So you both have spells to kill Sam?" Michael asked, sitting calmly in one of the seats. His dirty blonde hair fell flat against his tanned skin, and he looked incredibly angelic with his arc-reactor-blue eyes. He really does look like an angel.

"They're both incredibly risky." Brendon replied, pacing the room. His usually bouncy hair was slowly collapsing against his head from the amount of times he ran his hand through it. He weirdly looks angelic and innocent, too.

"Why don't we just use the enchanted sword?" Gabriel asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "That'll definitely kill him." His jet black hair fell to his shoulders, framing his sculptured face. He's incredibly fucking hot. His piercing green eyes were enough to give me the chills, especially when it's like they're staring into my soul. His smooth, deep voice made my knees weak, and I shouldn't be reacting to him like this. I've known him for years, he's a sneaky little git. He's always gotten on my nerves.

"I don't think anyone knows where it is apart from him. He's kept it hidden for centuries." Uriel replied, growing increasingly impatient.

"I know how to find it." Gabriel stated and both Michael and Uriel looked at him in shock. "Oh come on, you shouldn't be surprised. I've kept a lot more from you guys before." He looked incredibly fed up and it was almost hilarious. You can tell they're brothers, they're constantly trying to get on each other's nerves. Especially Gabriel. It's obvious he's the youngest.

"How long have you known? Why haven't you used it yet?" Michael questioned Gabriel, who dramatically sighed and rolled his eyes in response. He flicked his hair out of his eyes, revealing those captivating emerald eyes, meeting my eyes. He started speaking, his eyes then leaving mine.

"I've known for a few years and I haven't tried it because I know it wouldn't work. It's a big arse sword, it's hardly fucking discreet." Gabriel looked incredibly sassy after his response and if it wasn't so serious I would probably laugh. His thick English accent made everything sexier, if possible.

"How do we get to it?" Brendon asked, pausing his pacing. "Are you sure this'll work?" I've never heard of this sword before, if Sam's kept it hidden he's done a damn good job of it.

"I just need the dagger of Heaven and some holy water." Gabriel replied. "It definitely won't work." They all looked incredibly confused but after a few seconds I knew why he wanted it.

"It's a distraction." I stated and Gabriel turned to me in his chair, a wicked grin on his face. He pointed at me as if to say 'bingo' and I smiled. Damn, he's good.

"He'll know if we get that sword. He'll do all he can to get it back, as it's the only thing you'll have that can kill him. He doesn't know we're helping you so he won't know you have the dagger of Heaven. Once he has that sword he'll think he's safe. All you have to do is use the dagger when he least expects it." Gabriel explained, the smirk never leaving his face. I never realised just how smart he is. I'm impressed.

"When should we do this?" Zayn asked, surprising me. I didn't think he'd be up for this plan.

"We'll need to do it as soon as possible." Gabriel replied. "I can find it now, he won't know if I do. I'd say we do it at around three a.m. That's when the demons are at their strongest. We'll need all the help we can get." Brendon handed over the dagger of Heaven and Gabriel looked at it in almost disgust, as if he hated it. I went over to the cabinet to get some holy water ad Gabriel took it, thanking me. "You guys will need to get all the weapons you can get. Don't rely on powers."

"I'm not leaving you alone in here." I stated. I still don't trust the guy. He met my eyes and smirked, leaving me breathless. Damn.

"Then stay." He smirked wickedly. I told the rest of the guys to get all of the weapons they can find and they left, going to do whatever they can. Zayn, being the last one to leave, closed the door behind him and Gabriel got up. walking over to my desk.

His outfit was incredible. He wore tight leather pants that left nothing to the imagination, a black and white tie-dye t-shirt with a leather jacket. He had two medium width chains on his trousers, almost looping by the pocket. His heavy black boots thumped against the floor, I was almost certain you'd be able to hear them from the basement. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was a demon. He doesn't look like an archangel. He's too dark. I'm surprised he's not wearing any eyeliner, but it would look amazing on him.

"You could be more discreet, y'know." Gabriel spoke, making me almost jump in surprise but I managed to keep my composure. His back was still towards me but I could still tell he was smirking. "I mean, it's not like I don't like the attention, I fucking love it, but you're hardy hiding the fact you're checking me out." I rolled my eyes and chose not to reply, instead walked towards the desk where he was writing something out with holy water on a random piece of paper.

He picked up the dagger of Heaven and put it against his palm, pushing down until it cut. He hovered his bleeding hand over the paper and it started glowing gold, the blood swirling around the page. The cut soon healed and he banged his fists together twice before a gold glow emitted from them. He opened his palm and the glow hovered over the previous glow above the page, it almost looking like a map. It must've made sense to Gabriel because he smiled. He clenched his fist and the glow disappeared, disintegrating the bloody paper. The glow reminded me of one of a sorcerer's, but that's impossible. He's just an archangel.

"It's why I wanted Michael and Uriel out of the room. You know the rules. No dead creature can be sorcerer's." Gabriel stated, turning to face me.

"You seem to be good at it." I replied, hoping my voice wouldn't shake. Why am I like this around him?

"I've been practising the art of magic since before Sam was even born. It's not something I've wanted to give up." Gabriel sighed, his eyes never leaving mine. "Anyway, I found the sword. I'll go get it while you all try to get the human." Fuck no.

"I'm coming with you to get the sword." I said, making it clear that he shouldn't argue. "It'll be better if he doesn't know you guys are helping us. If I go with you it'll make it look better. Plus I don't trust you." He laughed at the last part and so did I. His laugh is so beautiful.

"Oh please, you just want to look at my arse longer." He joked.

Maybe I do. I won't ever admit to that though.

A.N- Hey! I'm sorry this is late. I have an exam coming up and I need to pass that to get into college and I'm really stressed.

But anyway, thoughts on Gabriel? The archangels helping? I now have a way to end this and I really like it! There shouldn't be many more chapters left, which is insane. I remember starting this. I'll update again on Monday, but knowing me it'll probably be a little later. See you then!

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now