{Harry's Pov}

I've got to admit, Zayn isn't as... Dick-ish as I thought. He's actually nice, which isn't what I was expecting. And Niall is really nice; him and Zayn are really cute together.

"All I'm saying is Gerard and Frank are perfect for each other!" Argued Kendall.

"I'm not convinced." Zayn smirked, and Kendall released a frustrated moan.

"You're hopeless." She groaned. The door opened and I checked who it was and I was left smiling like an idiot. Kendall smirked and I glared at her.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked and then Louis ruffled Zayn's hair with an evil smirk.

"Louis you fucking dickhead!" Zayn growled, slapping Louis' hand. We all laughed apart from Zayn who was trying to fix his hair.

"Ah, you love me really." Louis grinned, taking a seat next to Zayn.

"Usual?" I asked him.

"Please." He smiled sweetly. He's so cute! I made the tea and gave it to him, earning a smile and a 'thank you, babe'. Yeah, I blushed.

"What day is it tomorrow?" Zayn asked, going through his phone.

"Friday." Louis replied, taking a sip of his tea. Fuck, tomorrow's our second date! Like, don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but oh my god I'm petrified!

"Aw!" Niall cooed. "What are you doing tomorrow then?"

"It's a surprise." Louis smirked, looking at me.

"C'mon!" I pouted.

"I'm not telling you." He laughed.

"At least give me an idea on what to wear." I sighed.

"Something warm." Okay, seeing as it's Autumn it's logical but still doesn't give anything away, the dick!

"Mean." I pouted.


I woke up to my alarm going off, which still isn't nice. It's a day off, I normally don't have an alarm set, but, I need to look my best today. Not like a total zombie like usual. Okay, it's midday; seriously, I'm up early and Lou isn't picking me up until six, so I've got plenty of time. Six hours. That's plenty, right?


I got out of bed and made some tea, scrolling through Instagram. I seriously need a life. Like, all I do is scroll through Instagram. It's repetitively enjoyable.

I then made some waffles, solely because I have five hours to waste because then I'd need to get ready... Shit! What am I going to wear? He said something warm? What the fuck? That helps nothing!



Okay, maybe a jumper? They're warm, right? Or a t-shirt and a hoodie? A jumper seems nicer. Ah! What the hell can I wear? After much consideration, and about an hour of texting Kendall asking her opinion, I went for a pastel purple jumper, black skinny jeans and black ankle boots, and let my hair fall naturally down to my shoulders.

Now being five to six, I rushed downstairs, grabbed my black jacket and my phone, and patiently waited by the window. Well, I say patiently. I was panicking which I've never done over a date before. I've always been calm and collected but this is different. So different. I guess I like Louis? He makes me so happy. I like him. He pulled into the drive, and I walked to the door, opening it before he could knock it.

"Fuck, you look amazing." He grinned.

"I could say the same for you." I smiled breathlessly. He was in a burgundy jumper, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black vans and God he looks good.

"Ready to go then?" He asked and I nodded, following him into his car. He opened the door for me, and I thanked him, and then he went over to his side and started the car up.

"You seem on edge." I stated, looking at him. He did, he was so tense and looked really worried.

"I've just... I've never done this for anyone before... I don't know what I'm doing, really." He frowned. "That's why I had to ask Niall for help. I'm not really good with things like this so..."

"Lou, I don't care. As long as I'm with you, I give no fucks." I smiled and he laughed.

"But I want you to have fun. To enjoy." He explained softly.

"I will with you." I grinned.


We pulled into a car park, with hardly any cars parked here. Well, it is Autumn and cold so... We got out of the car and we were at the beach. It was empty and the sea was calm, it was amazing. "Yeah, again, it's really cheesy but..." Lou trailed off, looking down awkwardly.

"Lou, this is fucking amazing!" I grinned, making him look up."I love this type of thing."

"Good, because I was really worried you wouldn't like it." He sighed, smiling.

"Stop worrying!" I smiled.

"I can't help it!" He laughed.

"Well, if it helps, I was shitting bricks today." I laughed too and he just looked at me with a massive smile on his face.

"You shouldn't worry." He stated. "You're too perfect for that. No matter what you do you look amazing and your personality is beautiful. I feel like you don't really believe that, like you don't know how breathtaking you are." I blushed and looked down, and he gently pushed my head up to face him. "Fucking perfect." He grinned before pressing his lips on mine. I've only been with him for what, ten minutes, and I'm already ecstatic.


"Fuck!" I groaned. "I've got sand in my hair!" Which made Lou burst out laughing.

"It's just a bit of sand!" He laughed.

"But it's in my hair." I pouted.

"It'll come out." He grinned, calming down slightly. "Why are you so concerned about sand in your hair, anyway?"

"Because, sand is annoying and it takes ages to get out of hair!" I explained.

"It'll be fine, Haz." Lou smiled gently. For the last three hours, we'd been messing around on the beach, had some chips and just sat watching the sunset. Beautiful scenery, especially with the sea.

"Sand is just so annoying." I laughed lightly. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Just gone nine." He replied, sitting up. "Haz, this is actually pretty serious now..."

"What's up?" I asked nervously.

"Okay, I know we've only known each other for just under a month," he explained. "But, I really like you and I guess I just wanted to ask, if you would like to be my boyfriend?"

A huge smile beamed across my face and oh my god... He just asked me to be his boyfriend!

"Oh my god yes!" I grinned and he pulled me in for a kiss.

Fuck, this day is fucking amazing!

A.N- a more in detail date with very little detail and Larry are now boyfriends! Whoop!
Double update for Christmas! Hope you guys have had an amazing day!

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