{Louis' Pov}

I guess it isn't until you have it taken away from you, you realise how much you take living for granted. How you take every little smile, every tear, every cry, every scream, every fantastic minute of life as if it was nothing. It took me until I died to really look back at what I had, feeling grateful. No, my life wasn't perfect but I loved it. I had an amazing family, amazing friends but shit happens. 

Meeting Harry has really made me think about my human life. How much I desperately wanted to meet a girl (even though I was gay as fuck, time periods and all), marry and have kids. Yeah, that went well. I'm glad that that didn't happen though. For many reasons. But yeah, meeting Harry. I guess it's just that... I've finally got feelings for someone and... It's hard. Definitely but it's worth it. It's worth all the worrying, all of the arguments, it's worth it because Harry is the only person to make me smile the way he can, the only person who could cheer me up after Brendon and the only person who makes me feel the way I do. He makes me more human.

And as I'm sat here, cuddling with him at his, I realise that maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay. I hope.


I checked my phone and saw another text from Brendon and Liam, both warning about the full moon of Tuesday. It's Thursday now. Like I'd forget a full moon.

A full moon messes with our power and it basically clashes with what we are. It makes our powers play up, like the slightest shift in our mood and a table can go flying or you can just light something on fire. Not fun. It can also transform us into our supernatural figure. That's even worse because the transformation is painful. Normally, reapers just sling a cloak on and try to hide our skin, the demons hardly ever transform into theirs because of the pain and basically, their skin just changes colour to a grey ash type colour, a tail and a set of horns on their heads, but Brendon's is far worse. He has multiple horns all over his body, wings, tail, and marks all over his body. That must kill. The Angels don't go through that, lucky bastards. All they get is a set of wings.

So no, I can't really be here on Tuesday, which is a gutter.

I haven't replied to any of Zayn, Liam or Niall's texts; especially not Brendon's. I don't know, I just want to be with Harry, and just not have to face what I am at the moment. Well, I'm not with Harry at the moment. He's at work and he insisted that I stay here and get some rest, which I really did protest to but he gave me no choice. He's stubborn as fuck.

My phone started ringing, and I lit up seeing it was Harry phoning me. Normally it's Brendon or whoever but...

"Hey," I answered, smiling like an idiot.

"Zayn's here," Harry stated. "He wants to talk." Shit.

"Please say you haven't seen me since our date. I really don't want to see him." I pleaded. "Plus, we should really go on another date."

"I already said, sorry." He sighed. "But yes, we should."

"I'll get planning then." I grinned. "Anyway, I'm going to go, then."

"Lou, what's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, I just... I'd rather hold off on seeing Zayn for a bit. Or Liam. Or Niall. I've just fucked up and I don't know..." I frowned. "I just want to be alone for a bit, y'know?"

"You know that makes no sense seeing as you're staying with me at the moment?" He laughed lightly.

"Haz, I'd never want to be away from you." I smiled. "You make me so happy and words can not describe you much you mean to me."

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