{Louis' POV}

"Thank you." Harry smiled as we arrived at his house.

"No problem, Curly. I'll see you later?" I grinned.

"Yeah, I'll text you. Bye!" He left and then I started driving back to mine. I really didn't want to back yet, I knew Niall would have a lot to say and they don't know about my place here, so staying here a night won't hurt, right?

I arrived at mine, which was only about a ten minute ride. Not that bad but honestly I'm on edge. I understand that Zayn and Niall are worried but it'll be fine. I hope. Chances are I've already fucked it up but I really like Harry.

I walked into the house and set my keys on the table, going into the living room. I sat on the settee and started flicking through my phone, finding nothing of interest. Honestly, I'm just annoyed. I know Niall and Zayn are going to attempt to convince me to stay away from Harry, even though Zayn knows I like him. When it was Zayn in my position,
I supported him. I did all I could to keep them safe.

My phone started ringing, and it was Liam. What are the chances that he's with the other two and know that I won't answer my phone to them? "Hey, what's up?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"You know why I'm phoning you." Liam hissed.

"How was Brendon? Haven't seen him in ages." I asked. May as well try and change the subject.

"Don't even try." He sighed.

"What? I'm curious." I laughed. "Anyway, I've got to go, I'll see you later." I hung up and turned my phone off, and put it on the table.

I'm just done with all the rules and precautions. Just because I'm not human doesn't mean I can't fall in love. That's not what everyone thinks though. I know Liam, Niall and Zayn are just looking out for me but I can handle this on my own. It's just hard for me.

I hate the fact that just because I'm dead I can't be happy. It's all unfair. Just because I'm the big bad fucking boss. Fucking hell, I can't even be down here with out being tormented, why did I think actually talking to someone would be a good idea?

Before I died I was perfectly happy. I had a family, I had friends, I was normal. Now I'm this. Where did I go wrong? Where did I screw up? Why the fuck couldn't I have been normal?! I won't lie, I love seeing the life drain out of people's eyes. Their bodies going limp and skin going pale. I love it, I just hate what comes with it.

Why couldn't I have just been a normal ghost? I could be with my family and be happy. But I'm stuck here, not being able to do anything. I fucking hate it.

All of a sudden, the table just flew over to the other side of the room. I need to calm down; sometimes when I'm upset or annoyed, things start flying. Joys of telekinesis. Wait, wasn't my phone on there? I flipped the table the right side up and my phone was on the floor, the screen was smashed. Great. I turned it on and it still worked, so that's good.

It's 7am, so I guess I should go back. But I don't want to, that's the thing. I have to but it's a case of I don't want to. All that's going to happen is Niall, Zayn and Liam telling me that this is a bad idea and I know that. I know that it's going to go wrong but I can't help it. I just... I like Harry and I hate that. He could get hurt or he could figure out that I don't age. So yeah it's a bad idea but I don't really care. At the moment we're fine, so what's there to worry about?

Okay, there's still a lot to worry about. Like Sam. He watches everything I do so chances are I'm fucked. I don't even understand what I did to him though. I've never done anything to him, he hated me ever since he became "God". He's no God, he should rot in hell.

So. I've been putting it off for an hour now. I should go back. Should. Maybe. Maybe I could get away with another hour? Yeah that won't work. I went back to the in between, and Liam, Zayn and Niall were waiting. Just my luck, right? I mean, have they been waiting there all night? Idiots. They should've realised that I wasn't coming back for a while.

"Lou, I know this is hard, but we care about you. We're just worried." Zayn frowned.

"Yeah, I get that but it's my decision. If I can make a decision as big as this, then obviously I can handle it. I appreciate that you guys are worried but I like Harry." I explained.

"Lou, for some reason Sam hates you, still unsure as of why but Lou, he would do anything to hurt you, including killing an innocent person again. All I'm saying is back off, be a bit more discreet." Liam stated.

"Please listen to us. We really do worry about you, we want you to be happy, so maybe just talk to Sam, see what happens." Niall suggested.

"It's not that simple. He'd kill me if I went up to see him and I don't have any other way to contact him." I shrugged, running a hand through my hand.

"Lou, everything will be fine, I hope. Don't worry." Zayn smiled softly.

"Yeah, thanks for the reassurance, mate." I laughed.

"It's what I'm here for." He smiled. He's a dick. But I love him. For some reason. That I'm still trying to find.

"Quick thing now, the guy you like is really hot." Niall sighed. Zayn and I glared at him and he laughed.

"Mine." I glared, making them laugh.

A.N- There will be more Larry and Ziall soon! <3

I forgot that I update this on Monday's. That's always fun.

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