
"We're under attack."

Zayn came into the room and froze when he saw me and the few empty alcohol bottles that surrounded me. I ignored that and got up, swiftly moving towards the door.

"How many?" I asked, instantly knowing it was the angels. I don't know what Sam's playing at but it's getting old.

"I don't know, there can't be much more than twenty." He replied, following me out the door and down the hallway. I just need to get Harry to safety, then we can attack.

"Have you called Hell?" I need Brendon to help. I know Sam's probably planning something and this is a distraction but I need all the help I can get.

"I was waiting on your word." It's really weird how we go from constantly arguing to professional. I love it.

"Call them." He nodded and was about to leave my side when he stopped suddenly.

"What are you going to do?"

"Get Harry to safety." He nodded and went into one of the rooms to call Brendon and I went to the front room where Harry was sitting, talking to Niall. I don't think either of them know what's going on. "Niall, I need you to go find Liam, Alex and Patty and prepare to fight. Harry, I need you to come with me." I saw a bit of defiance in Harry's eyes but Niall instantly shot up.

After seeing Niall's reaction, Harry guessed the severity of the situation and followed me down to the basement. It's the safest room in the building. There are seals that block entrances used by magic and only reapers can get in. Harry should be safe in here. I led him down and turned the light on. It looked nice, almost exactly like the front room. It was soundproof, too.

"What's going on?" He asked. I didn't want to tell him, it's a scary thing and I know he'll be scared. Hell, even I'm scared.

"Angels are attacking." I replied, not taking my eyes off of him. "I just need you to be safe." I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt. It would all be my fault. If he gets hurt, it's on me. I'm the reason why he's here. I'm the reason he's in this situation. He shouldn't get hurt because of my recklessness and stupidity. I can't do that to him.

"So you're locking me in a room?" He's still pissed off after earlier. I wonder if Patty is. He probably is, he's really fucking stubborn. I just need him to put that behind us until this is over.

"It's the safest place you can be." He needs to know that. "Only reapers open the door. You'll be safe in here." He needs to listen to me. "Hopefully they won't know where you are, even if they do they can't get in. Please don't fight me on this. It's my reason you're in this situation and my first priority is getting you to safety. It's hard to kill us, it's easy for you to get killed. You can't be out there when they get in. Sam is after you and I can't have him find you. So please, just stay in here and don't come out until either Zayn or I come get you. If anyone else opens the door, get away from them." I'll need to tell them that only Zayn or I can open the door, it's safer if it's only us two that can get Harry.

"What if somebody else comes in?" I went over to the drawers and got an enchanted knife from inside of it and handed it to him.

"It won't kill but it'll do a lot of harm. Don't hesitate to use it if you think it's an angel. Some angels can control others so if you think they're being controlled don't hesitate to stab them. They won't be able to control me and Zayn though, so you'll be safe from us." He nodded and I went to leave the room. When I got to the door Harry decided to speak up.

"Don't get killed." I just smiled at that and closed the door, heading off to my study. I found Brendon and Zayn waiting in there. Good.

"I've got all of my guards here, I'm hoping they'll be enough." Brendon spoke, being completely professional.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He nodded in response and I turned to Zayn. "How many angels are there?"

"I don't think it's changed since last time." Zayn replied and I nodded. "None of them are guards, they're just angels." What the fuck is Sam playing at?

"Then we shouldn't have a problem getting rid of them." I stated. I won't admit to being scared. I don't know what Sam's doing and it scares me. "This might be a distraction. I'll call some more reapers to help out, I only want some of the guards out there fighting."

"I'll call some more demons. We need everyone we can get here." Brendon replied and I almost smiled. It takes a lot of pressure off of us.

"What do we do?" Zayn asked me.

"Wait until we're needed."


Some more reapers and demons arrived. The reapers were Hayley, Taylor, Zac, Ryan, Luke and Michael, the demons were Awsten, Geoff, Otto, Kenny, Gerard, Kellin and Vic. I couldn't thank them enough for coming, but they were more than willing to help. They immediately went to fight outside with the rest of them while Brendon, Zayn and I were waiting inside.

There was no sign of Sam and that scared me. He wouldn't attack and not be here. I don't know what he's doing and it scares me more than anything. The good thing is that no reaper or demon have been killed. Patty was really civil when we had a slight talk about strategies, which sort of surprised me. I knew he would be considering the circumstances but it still surprised me.

Brendon, Zayn and I were in my study and thankfully neither commented on the empty bottles on the floor. They know that it's not the right time. I was flipping through a book that had been passed down the Deaths for centuries. It had important spells in it. Death is the only reaper that can perform magic, and it's limited to the spells in this book. It's the same with the Devil and God, but the spells are different for each.

I found the spell I was looking for and smiled. I turned the page to look at the warnings and frowned. They should really put the warnings before the spell. I sighed and looked back at the spell. It's my only chance. Brendon came to my side and smiled, then turned the page and I could almost feel his anger when he saw them.

"It's too dangerous." Brendon stated, which caught the attention of Zayn.

"It's the only way." I retaliated.

"It's not worth the risk." He slammed the book shut and I turned to look at him.

"If I don't do this then it doesn't end." My voice was almost wavering because of the amount of anger I was feeling. "It won't end until he's dead. This is the only way, Brendon. If I don't do this then we could all end up dead and it'll be on me because I didn't stop him. I'm doing this, there's no way you can stop me." He looked at me for a bit and then stood down, meaning I won. Thank fuck.

"What is it?" Zayn asked.

"I found a way to kill Sam." I replied. Opening the book again.

"What's the risk?" I didn't reply, instead I went through what I'll need for the spell. Brendon just sighed and replied.

"Louis could die."

A.N-I've finally found a way to end this and I quite like it! I quoted Doctor Strange writing this and honestly I'm pretty proud of that. He's one of my favourite MCU characters. He was so cool in Infinity War, and honestly I haven't recovered from that film.

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now