{Louis' Pov}

Oh my god. I asked him. Why the fuck did I do that? Yeah, I like him but I'm an idiot. I've now got a human boyfriend that doesn't know that I'm dead. Even though it isn't a big deal, y'know, I've only been dead for about three centuries.

I've fucked up. I didn't think this through. I should really tell him, that would be the reasonable thing to do. Let's face it though, I'm not going to do that. He'd hate me and why would I ruin my chances like that? I know it sounds selfish but I like him. I really do. I may have played with hearts before but Harry's different. I can't even bear the thought of hurting him which is why this is so hard. Obviously, I'd much rather get hurt than him. He doesn't deserve it at all.

I walked into the living room, to be greeted by Zayn and Niall making out. Where the hell is Liam? Speaking of the devil, well, thinking of the reaper, Liam walked into the room and then looked at the two who hadn't stopped in confusion. "I only left the room two seconds ago!" He stated, sitting down. They both separated, Niall blushing and Zayn smirking.

"Two minutes, actually." Zayn corrected, then looked over to me. "Hey, Lou!"

"How was it?" Niall asked.

"I fucked up." I sighed, sitting on the arm chair. I like Harry, that's clear, but is it worth what could happen? I don't want to hurt him and I don't want him scared of me, but I'm a fucking skeleton, it's gonna be pretty freaky.

"I take it you like him." Liam smiled.

"Yes, Liam, I do." I frowned. Why does Liam have to be right? Why does he have to be cocky about it all the freaking time?

"Everything will be fine." Zayn smiled softly.

"You don't know that though, do you? Harry could get hurt and it would be my fault." I sighed.

"Have you told him?" Niall asked. I shook my head and he carried on. "If you like him, do it."

"I can't! He'd hate me and probably be scared of me and I can't..." I trailed off.

"Look, all I can say is, yes he's going to be pretty scared and the longer you leave it, the more annoyed he'd be. Just don't fuck up and ask him to be your boyfriend before you do." Niall stated. Shit...

"One problem with that." I laughed nervously.

"You're unbe-fucking-lievable." Zayn groaned.

"Just tell him soon, okay?" Niall sighed. "The sooner the better."


We were in the last house and it was actually really nice. Apart from the blood but that's a minor detail. "What do you say, after this we head down to the pub?" Zayn asked. Of course.

"I don't think we really realise how weird this is." I stated. "Collecting souls then heading off for a drink."

"It's reality for us." He laughed walking into one of the rooms. "Think there's one more downstairs."

I went downstairs and into the kitchen where there was a body on the floor with a knife going through his eye. I cringed at that and as soon as I was done I was out of the room. Zayn was waiting at the door in his human form and I copied the action. Even though we don't have skin, those cloaks are fucking hot.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. Luckily we were only about ten minutes away from our usual pub, and it was a Saturday night so we planned this well. We arrived and then headed to the back of the place, grabbing a table and Zayn going to get the drinks. I scrolled through Instagram and replied to Harry's text then Zayn came back and I put my phone away.

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now