{Louis' Pov}

"So, in the 50s, there was this nerdy guy who worked at a diner. He was hot. I was, obviously, a bad boy type of guy, you know. Leather jackets, black shirts, black jeans. I had all the girls, even the guys head over heels for me. Well, nothing's changed. He was about twenty, and yeah. We fucked. His wife caught him, slapped him, kicked me in the balls, bearing in mind we were both still naked and walked out. They got divorced shortly after and I was never allowed back in that diner." Brendon explained. "She had a good kick. Hurt like a bitch, though." I laughed, and he just looked at me. "You laugh at my pain? Dickhead."

"Of course you'd get caught!" I smiled.

"Just my luck, huh?" He chuckled.

I checked my phone and it was half nine in the morning. He's been telling me stupid stories for eight hours. He's made me laugh though, so I can't complain.

"Remember when you tried to fuck Sam?" I smirked.

"Shut up." He laughed. "That was a mistake! I had no idea who he was! And he is hot so..."

"Honestly, of course, you, Satan, would try and fuck Sam, God." I chuckled.

"In my defence, he'd recently died. I didn't have a clue who he was." Brendon smiled.

"He was an angel." I stayed, trying not to laugh.

"Nothing better than a fallen angel." Brendon grinned, making us both laugh.

Makes me wonder what the fuck does he do in his free time.

{Harry's Pov}

"How's it going?" Kendall asked me. It had been two days since I and Louis broke up, and I'm still down about it. I mean, it's been two days, I wasn't expecting to be up and with some other guy by now. I was at work, and it's been such a slow day. It's weird not having Louis here to make the day go faster and I hate it.

"Bad." I sighed. "I'll get over it." And I wiped some tables, then Sam came in. Shit! I was meant to message him yesterday! I literally left him with no explanation and I feel so bad! I went back behind the counter and he walked up to me with a massive smile on his face.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi!" I smiled back. "I'm sorry! I was meant to text you yesterday but I forgot."

"It's fine!" He assured. "What's up?"

"Boyfriend broke up with me." I frowned and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"He seemed like a dick." I smiled sadly.

"I still love him though." I sighed.

"He didn't deserve your heart. From what you've said, he just wanted to play with you. Casual fuckboy. Not telling you anything, breaking up with you in a public place. From what you told me, he was playing you." He explained. "I'm so sorry, you must be heartbroken."

"I'm fine, I'll get over it." Hopefully. "Usual?"

"Please." He smiled and I walked over to the coffee machine. I heard the door open and close and some chattering, then it stopped. Nevertheless, I carried on making the tea and didn't eavesdrop... nope...

"I'm so sorry about what happened," Sam said. What's happened?

"I don't care." Another voice snapped.

"Alex, neutral ground, be nice." Another voice sighed.

"He almost killed Jack." The first voice, Alex I'm guessing, spoke tightly.

"And it was dealt with." The second voice added, putting emphasis on the words 'dealt with.

"I don't know how that happened. I never authorised anything. If I did, do you really think I would go for his territory?" Sam spoke quietly, but I could just about hear.

I came back with Sam's tea and he smiled, thanking me and totally ignoring the other two.

The taller one had brown hair styled in a fringe, with dark brown eyes. He was hot. The shorter one, shorter by quite a bit, had blonde hair styled in a quiff, two ear piercings, a nose ring, and yeah... yet again... hot...

"Hi, would you like to order?" I asked the two. I wonder which ones Alex...

"Please." The shorter one answered. "Two latte's to go please." I nodded and they paid, and I went to make the lattes. The two, Alex and someone, were chatting and I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I handed them their drinks and they left after thanking me, and I turned to Sam curiously.

"What happened?" I asked.

"My brother constantly gets me into trouble." Nick sighed, taking a sip of his tea.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Those two, Alex and Patty, they're nice guys. But my brother just fucks everything up. He killed one of their friends and they hate me for it." Sam replied.

"Jack?" I asked.

"No; he killed one of their friends years back. He almost killed Jack last week." Sam stated. I nodded and served some more customers when he had to go. We said our goodbyes and he left, and Kendall started chatting again. It's been amazing having her around to comfort me the last few days. She's been there for me and I can never thank her enough for that.

I've been debating whether or not to text Louis to see if he's okay but I don't really think that that's a good idea. I mean, we ended by announcing our love for one another but from what he said, he didn't want to talk to me. It hurt, but, I guess Nick was right. It makes sense why Louis acted the way he did. Chances are, he's laughing at me right now. Laughing at my stupidity to fall for him. I'd only known him for three months but I really like him, and I'm definitely going to mourn the loss of the relationship for a while, but after a few months, who knows, I might be over him. It's strange to think how much changes over a few minutes. I went from being happy and in love to sad and in love. Bullshit, but life is unfair. Part of me doesn't believe what Sam said though. Louis looked genuinely scared and heartbroken when we broke up. His voice was breaking and I've never seen that side of him. I've never seen him vulnerable before. That made a change, I suppose. The difference in him. Normally he's a strong, stable guy but that night, he was different. It literally broke my heart to see him like that.

I wish I could take his pain away. I've noticed that around Zayn and Niall; even though he's smiling, there's something not quite right. When I first met Zayn, Louis was tense and there was something wrong, and I know they argued then. I know something's up with him, and I know that it hurts him. It hurts me to know that he's suffering. He doesn't deserve that. His smile lights up my whole world. His smile makes me smile. His laugh makes me laugh. His eyes make me fall all over again. The compassion and selflessness he has... it's amazing how one man can be so perfect. He has his flaws, yes, but he is so fucking perfect and I love him.

Shit, maybe I miss him...

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