
Liam and Zayn led me into the living room, and put of the window I could see the sky which was a galaxy? Where the fuck am I? We sat down and Liam started talking. "How much do you know?" He asked.

"Louis' dead, and he's the Grimm Reaper?" I answered, but it came out like a question.

"Okay, well he is." Liam nodded. "We're all reapers, Zayn is Louis' second and his heir, and Niall and I are guards." A guy with bleach blonde hair came in followed by a guy with brown hair came in. I remember them from the café, they knew Sam. "So are those two," Liam added, referring to the two that walked in.

"Hey," the blonde one spoke. "I'm Patty and this is Alex." He pointed to the taller one, who was taller by a fair amount.

"Hi." Alex greeted. "Where's Louis?"

"Hopefully in his room, why?" Zayn asked.

"Brendon's been trying to get ahold of him for an hour. Sam sent an angel down to hell." Alex replied.

"Louis' been with Sam for the past hour," Liam stated.

"He's planned it out." Patty nodded.

"Jack told you?" Zayn asked and Alex nodded. "Chances are he's with Niall at the moment. I don't know where."

"Thanks, Zayn." Alex smiled and left the room, followed by Patty.

"Sam's been on a roll." Zayn frowned. "I should've let Louis kill him."

"What?" I asked.

"Two years ago, Sam killed Niall and Louis was about to kill Sam but I stopped him. Better man shit. I regret it now." Zayn sighed.

"Anyway, what else do you want to know?" Liam asked.

"Everything," I replied warily.

"Okay," Liam nodded. "We're all reapers, there are a heaven and hell. Nick is God, there are angels, then there's hell. Brendon is Satan, and there are Demons. We're all pretty close to the demons from hell, and of course, Louis and Brendon are really close."

Then Louis appeared in the doorway, looking panicky and like he'd just been crying.

"I'm going down to hell," Louis stated. Is that a normal thing to say around here?

"Have fun." Liam smiled and Louis left. Niall then walked into the room and went straight to me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this." He sighed, then sitting next to me.

"What'd he say?" Liam asked.

"Nothing. He's putting his walls back up." Niall replied.

"Shit!" Liam groaned. "So, what're we going to do?"

"Make sure Sam doesn't do anything else," Zayn stated.

I'm guessing everything's fucked up, then.


I went down to hell, finding Brendon looking pissed off with Josh and Jack in the room. That's unusual, no Alex. I always seem to find him in hell although he's a reaper.

"What's happened?" Brendon asked frantically. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Harry's traumatised but..." I replied.

"If he really does love you, he won't care what you are. It all comes down to the fact that love blinds us. I mean, Zayn and Niall, Dallon and I, Josh and Tyler, Alex and Jack." Brendon went on. "Love is love. It doesn't matter what we are, we love who we love. Love is not a choice."

"What did Sam say?" Josh asked.

"He was going to bring Dallon into it," I started and Brendon looked pretty annoyed. "and said he was having fun. Which is infuriating seen as my family are in heaven and I can't get up there." I'm really worried about them. Sam could do anything to them and I wouldn't be able to help them. I wouldn't know what would happen, he'd do it whenever.

"We'll figure something out." Brendon sighed. "I just can't believe Sam would fucking do that!"

"I can," Jack said and Brendon just looked at him. "What? Alex tells me everything."

Of course.

"Sam wants revenge," I stated.

"What for?" Josh asked.

"His brother killed me resulting in him and I think his parents getting killed," I replied.

"He has a brother?" Brendon questioned.

"Apparently so," I answered.

"Bloody hell." Brendon sighed. "Do you know whether he's in heaven? Here?"

"Heaven," I said and Jack went wide-eyed.

"A murderer gets put in heaven? The fuck?" He gaped. "What did we do to get here? I robbed a bank, what the hell did you two do?"

"Gay," Brendon said.

"Same." Josh agreed.

"Yet a murderer's in heaven?" Jack questioned. He has a point.

"Hell's better though," Brendon stated.

"I love the fact that you robbed a bank," I told Jack.

"I had a fun life." Jack laughed. I guess I did, too. I worked as a builder of sorts. Helped my stepfather build houses. Helped by the neighbourhood. It was nothing amazing, but I loved it and I'd love to get it back.

I remember when my sister announced she was getting married. I felt really overprotective of her, so her getting married was just... ugh. The guy was alright, though. I'm sad that I never got to go to the wedding, but I was there. I died not too long before she got married, but I could go. Nobody would see me, I wouldn't be able to express how proud I was of her, but I am so proud of her. She married somebody she wasn't meant to. At seventeen she got introduced to somebody she was meant to marry but ended up marrying his best mate. Caused a lot of town gossip but I was so proud of her for doing that. For pushing the boundaries, for breaking tradition and fighting to marry the man she loved. I don't think I could ever actually gather the words to tell her that.

"The fifties were great," Brendon said.

"You died before that?" Josh questioned.

"Way before that," I added.

"I know and shut up, Louis." Brendon rolled his eyes. "But I was down on earth a lot. I loved it. The style, the music."

"I turned twenty in the fifties," Jack stated.

"Thirty," Josh said.

"Then there's Brendon and me." I chuckled.

"Oldies." Josh taunted.

"Oh fuck off." Brendon laughed.

The fifties were great, though.

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now