{Louis' Pov}

I woke up and checked the time. Two pm. Not bad, I suppose. I'm meeting Brendon and Sam at six, so that gives me four hours to do whatever. I checked my phone and yep... That's what I was forgetting. Harry had messaged me a couple of times and when I say couple I mean a lot.

'Night, I suppose xx'

Oh god, I didn't text him yesterday! How the fuck can I explain that?

'Morning! Xx'

At ten a.m. Yeah, I really shouldn't have gone to sleep.

'Are you okay? Xx'

No I am not.

'I'm starting to get worried now, Lou x'

I'm such a terrible person.

'Have I done anything?'

Don't even think that for a second, Haz!

'Why aren't you answering?'

One last one...

'We seriously need to talk but since you're ignoring me. Can I come over?'

Fuck! That was an hour ago! If he goes down, he'll just get Brendon and will realise that I don't live there!

I jumped out of bed and got changed, then replied to Harry.

'Oh my god I'm sorry! I was really busy and I had some sudden work to get to, then I fell asleep. I'm so sorry! I've only just woken up! And no, you haven't done anything, don't you ever think that! Xxx'

Let's just hope he isn't with Brendon!

My phone started ringing and it was Harry. Fuck...

"Hey!" I answered.

"What the hell were you doing?" Harry asked. He sounds pissed. Fuck.

"I was working." I replied. Technically I was. I'm not really lying.

"I don't even know what your job is." He sighed. Fuck, what can I say? I can't tell the truth over the phone! What the hell can I say?

"It's complicated." I frowned. Yet again, not lying. How can I explain that I'm dead? Plus, I'm Death. That'll be a fun conversation.

"Lou, you know everything about me and I barely know your name!" Harry stated. I feel so bad about that.

"I know. It's just..." I trailed off.

"It's just what?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Can we at least do this in person? Not over phone?" I asked. I want to tell him in real life, not over the phone. It would be terrible doing it over the phone.

"When?" He questioned.

"Whenever." I replied. "I have a meeting at six though." Wish I didn't.

"Can I come down yours?" He asked. Shit.

"I'm not there at the moment." I replied. Yeah, no way are we going there.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"I had to stay at a hotel last night, I was falling asleep driving back." I lied. "Plus my friends are staying there. They couldn't stay at theirs so I told them to stay at mine."

"Okay. Mine then?" He sighed.

"I'll be there in five minutes." I said and he hung up.

This is going to be a fun day.

Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now