
I felt the panic sink in and it was almost paralyzing. How could this happen? I walked out of the room and everything went quiet. That can't be good. I heard footsteps running and then saw Liam, running in and covered in blood. That's definitely not good.

"What happened?" I asked, trying not to let the nerves show. Brendon and Zayn were behind me, I could tell they were both as nervous as I.

"The angels left." He stated, grimacing at the blood on his hands.

"Any casualties?" I questioned, heading outside. They all followed, Brendon and Zayn remaining quiet though Liam replied to my question.

"Minor injuries, nothing major." He answered. "Though we can't find Patty." Shit. I stopped, making everyone behind me suddenly stop too. He's the one that got Harry.

"Did any angels go near him?" I turned to face them. He can't have helped the angels. He didn't know where Harry was, even if he did, would he help the angels? Surely one must've compelled him. I hope that's the case. After our last discussion, I don't know what he'd do. I trust him, though.

"I don't know, I was too busy fighting to watch him." Okay. That's no help. I just sighed in reply. Sam needs to be stopped now. I heard some footsteps from behind me and I saw everyone get into a defensive stance. I turned around and saw an angel walking towards us. Great.

"Uriel." I greeted with a nod. He stopped once he was a few feet away and he replied with a nod. He put his hands up, telling us that he wasn't going to fight though none of us trusted him. "What do you want?"

"I assume it's the same thing as you." Uriel replied, his voice smooth and his dark face set. "Sam needs to be stopped." That's not what I was expecting. "I offer you my help, along with the archangels."

"I don't trust you." I stated, getting ready to attack. Uriel smiled softly, not taunting, it was a kind smile.

"I can't blame you. Sam has used us as pawns in his game, and you should know that when we've had orders we can't disobey. I'm sorry for all the harm we've caused, I truly am. He's going to far, and we can't defeat him alone." Uriel explained. He waved his hand and I saw Brendon reach for a dagger he constantly keeps in his pocket. Why is it always a dagger with him? A dagger then appeared in Uriel's hand, it was white and gold, one of heaven's own. It was beautiful. The handle was white leather with gold carvings in it, and the blade was gold. It's a real blade of Heaven. "As an attempt to gain your trust, I present you with the dagger of Heaven, the deadliest of weapon for a Heavenly creature. This is guaranteed to kill Sam." I don't trust him.

"If it's guaranteed to kill Sam, why don't you use it?" Brendon asked, moving to stand by me. His dagger was still pointed at Uriel and I recognised it as the blade of Hell. Of course it is. The blade of Hell can kill an angel and demon, and only Brendon can use it. He enchanted it so only the ruler of Hell can use it. It's a good idea. Unlike the white and gold of the blade of Heaven, Brendon's is black and red, the leather handle a jet black and the blade a blood red, with black engravings.

"No Heavenly creature can use it. It would kill us if we did." Uriel answered. I never thought that that would happen. Without moving his own blade, Brendon reached out for the Blade of Heaven, Uriel gladly giving it to him. Brendon examined it, smiling softly. He loves the blades. I had no use for the Blade of Reapers, so I gave it to him. What would I do with it? I don't know any of it's powers, Brendon does. "I also know where your human is." My head shot to Uriel, meeting his eyes. They held nothing but sincerity and guilt. He's telling the truth.

"Where?" I asked, my eyes never leaving his. He can't be lying.

"He's in Heaven's Palace. Sam won't hurt him unless you're around. I don't know much of his plan, he wouldn't tell any of us. All I know is his location." Uriel explained. "I can take you there, show you the safest ways of getting in. I promise you, I'm not helping Sam."

I looked at Brendon who nodded, agreeing with me that he seems to be telling the truth. I don't trust him and neither does Brendon, but we know it's the only thing we can do. If he says he knows where Harry is, he's our only hope. I know Sam's planning something bigger, that he'll bring Harry here for whatever he wants. He'll want Harry out in the open, easier to kill.

I turned back to the angel in front of us, hoping he's telling the truth. "Do you know if a reaper was taken to Heaven?"

"There was one. He was used to get to the human, I'm assuming he's close to you if Sam took him too." I nodded and sighed, really not knowing what to do. If he's telling the truth, we'll have the archangels helping us. If he's lying and we trust him then we're fucked. There's no way of telling if he's truthful. He's still here though. Brendon has two of the blades that could easily kill him, he might even have the third on him, yet Uriel's still here. Brendon's still got one of the blades pointed at him and he's still here. He's risking a hell of a lot by staying here. We can easily kill him yet he's staying. Maybe we can trust him.

"I don't trust you." I told him, making him nod understandingly. "Yet I respect you. You're stood here when we can easily kill you, especially when Brendon has all three blades. You seem to be truthful, yet I cannot trust you. You offer a lot, while knowing that we can't risk you being with us." Uriel looked surprised at that, which was amusing.

"I don't expect you to trust me. Not after what Sam has done. I can assure you, none of the archangels were involved. We always sent other angels to do it, we never wanted to do it ourselves for we wanted your trust for when the time comes. I assure you we wanted none of this. We wanted to live in peace amongst you all, though you know we cannot defy Sam. I promise you that we, the archangels, will pledge loyalty to you until Sam is gone, perhaps even beyond that. We will do all we can to help, if you wish to accept." His eyes flickered between mine and Brendon's, and I left the last decision to Brendon, knowing that he knew what I would say.

"You have my respect, Uriel." Brendon nodded, putting the daggers down. "Though you do not have my trust. Not yet. We will accept your help, though one wrong move and I will not hesitate to pierce your and your brothers hearts with these blades. Understood?"


A.N- I just wrote this and it's rushed I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed it though!

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