{Harry's Pov}

Oh my god! He asked me out! Wait... He did mean it like that, didn't he? What if I'm just over reacting? If he just wants to be friends? No! Like, he seemed so confident asking... What do I do?

"Haz, calm down!" Kendall laughed. She's just a bitch! She doesn't understand. "You've got what, over twenty four hours?"

"Twelve pm tomorrow. It's five now! That's nineteen hours!" I sighed frustrated. What if he doesn't actually like me like that though? I really like him...

"Bloody hell." She chuckled. I glared at her and she just burst out laughing again. She's no help! I helped her for her date with Cara!

"Kendall!" I groaned. She looked at me and then sighed.

"Look, I know you're nervous but he seems really nice. Maybe this will be the start of something." She shrugged. "All I'm saying is, be yourself. You two like each other, so go for it. You're both young, maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't. You'll never know if you don't try." Wow, that's actually good? Am I talking to Kendall?

"Thanks, that's actually really good?" I chuckled. "What the hell?"

"I can come out with some good shit, you know." She smiled.


"Haz! Stop fucking panicking!" Kendall yelled. I had two hours before Louis picks me up, and he's being all discreet. It's bugging me now.

"What the hell do I wear?" I asked impatiently. Kendall rolled her eyes but smiled and walked over to my wardrobe.

"Something nice. He's given away nothing as to what you're doing so this should be fun." She laughed. She grabbed a Clash t-shirt, black jeans, brown boots and a flower crown. Yes, I wear flower crowns. Not often, but they're cute. "And of course the black jacket that's on your door. It'll look amazing."

"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked.

"Haz, I'm sure he'll love it, and if he doesn't, fuck him. Literally." Kendall smiled and I laughed. She really knows how to make me feel better. "Right, I'm gonna let you get ready, I'll be in the kitchen raiding your cupboards!"

"Have fun!" I laughed. She left my room and left me to dress. I opened the draw and got some pink panties out - yes I wear them, they're comfortable! - and then stripped, pulling them on. I then put my jeans and shirt on, and pulled my boots on. I brushed my hair and then laid the white flower crown on. Okay, Kendall was right. I look good but... Maybe lip gloss would look good too? I got my light pink lip gloss and put it on, smiling at the results. Now I look good.

I went downstairs into the kitchen and Kendall was making a coffee. "Fuck." She gaped. "Okay, I'm amazing. Love the lip gloss, by the way." I smiled sheepishly and she grinned. "Louis is going to love you."

Then, there was a knock at the door and my heart stopped. "Shit!" I squealed.

"Haz, don't panic! Answer the door and if you don't I will." Kendall stated. I calmed myself and walked to the door and opened it; and fuck. He looked amazing.

"Fucking hell, Haz..." Louis gaped. He was wearing a Nirvana tank top and black skinny jeans with black vans. He looked amazing. "Trying to kill me or what?"

"You look amazing." I smiled. He smiled sheepishly and ran a hand through is hair.

"Thanks." He smiled back. "Should we head off, then?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we went into his car. He was dressed so simple but oh my god he looked amazing.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He never told me where we were going.

"It's a surprise!" He smiled "I just really hope that it isn't too cheesy."

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