
I froze in shock. He can't be serious. How could he know about Gabriel and I? That's not the important question in this situation. I either lose both or one. Well, maybe I wouldn't lose Harry, he'd just become... whatever. Probably a demon, perhaps a reaper. Who knows, but I'd definitely lose Gabriel. I've only met him briefly before this but I like him. I really like him. I shouldn't, but I do.

Is this how it ends? Is this how all of this ends? What if it isn't? What if I can kill Sam now? Maybe that could end it. I took a small step forward but Sam pressed the blade deeper into Gabriel's neck, drawing blood. I instantly stopped, frowning. He just chuckled.

"If you move, they both die." He smirked, turning to Harry. "It seems as if he doesn't have much time left. Tick, tock, Tomlinson." Shit. They can't both die. Harry's innocent in all of this, but I can't just let Gabriel die. Especially after he's done so much to help. Harry could carry on with a normal life, he just wouldn't age. Gabriel would just die.

I turned to look at Gabriel, and he just looked back at me. He was calm and collected, anger radiating from him. He quickly glanced at Harry and then back at me, giving me a tiny nod, telling me to save him. I quickly glanced at Harry, and he looked petrified. Shit. I can't make a good decision. Either way, a good person dies when they don't deserve to.

What do I do? How can anything good come from this? If I try to stop Sam, they both die. I can't have that. That won't work. That can't work. Either way, I'm responsible for one death and that's bad enough.

Why did we do this? How could we do this? Of course it wasn't going to work! We were naïve to think it would work. Of course Sam had another plan. He's always one step ahead. He'll always one up us, and damn, it sucks.

Do I save the guy I like or the guy I love? Wait, do I love Harry? I did, I know I did, but do I now? Ever since we broke up, I haven't really felt anything. Sure, I like him, but not love. I would be lying to myself if I said I love him. Is that right? Do I not love him? This isn't the right time to question this. This is the worst time to question this. It doesn't matter who I love, the only thing that matters is who lives and who dies.

Harry... Harry basically saved me. I was a shit person but he made me happy, that's something I never thought I'd feel again, and I can't thank him enough for that. I loved him, that's something I can't doubt. I really loved him. Then there's Gabriel. I'd only met him once or twice before today, I like him. He makes me feel like Harry did when I loved him, maybe even better, and that scares the shit out of me. I don't think it's a good thing, that he makes me feel like that, but he does, and damn I like it.

The thing is, Harry will come back. Gabriel won't. I could bring Harry back, he could live a little longer on earth, but if Gabriel dies, that's it. He's gone. I just... I can't let him die. I can't let either die.

If Gabriel dies, Harry's alive. He won't be able to help us in this plan. If Harry dies, Gabriel survives, and he could help us. He could be useful in this situation. He came up with this plan, he can carry it out. Well, he can't use the blade of Heaven but he can help as much as he can. Realistically, Gabriel would be the better one to keep alive. Is that what it's come to? Deciding who survives by who would be better help in this situation? That's bullshit. I can't go off of that. Harry's at a massive disadvantage, he's mortal. Gabriel's an archangel, of course he'd be more help. It would be unfair to judge it on that alone.

Can't I die instead? It's me got the problem with, not Gabriel or Harry. Well, maybe Gabriel, He did go against him. Wait, Gabriel might die either way. Who am I kidding, he'll definitely kill Gabriel. As he said, Gabriel helped us, that's literally treason. Sam would kill him for that. Even if I choose Harry, Gabriel will end up dead as well. I can't have them both dead. I could never forgive myself for that. I probably would never forgive myself for just one dying, let alone both.

I scanned the situation, trying to find a way out but there was none. Sure I could use my powers to distract Sam, but he'd just kill them both, and I can't have that. There's no way out. I've got to make this choice. For once in my life, I need to step up. I need to make this decision, and it can't be one I'll regret. I'll regret it either way. I can't be responsible for a death. I've known Harry for half a year, I know him better than I know Gabriel. I've only known Gabriel properly for less than a day. That's shit. I like him and I haven't even known him a day. I can't make a good decision. Either way, somebody's going to die and I'm going to feel guilty as hell.

I could tell that time was running out, but I still couldn't say anything. I'm still not completely sure. I need to be certain on this, but I'm not. I can't be. This is too big, this is somebody's life. How can I be certain? Sam's outdone himself on this. He really knows how to get to me. He knows how to get to me.

I need to make this decision. They're both going to die if I don't. One death is better than two. That's right, right? One death, not two. I'm sure as hell not certain about this but it's now or never. It's what I've got to do. It's the only way.

This is the best outcome. This is the best way. This is the only way.



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