{Louis' Pov}

Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I was a terrible person after I died. I guess losing my family and just the whole situation, I just couldn't cope. So I put on this persona of this tough guy when in reality, I was breaking. I hated the situation I was in. Then when Death died and of course everything happened, I became worse. I had that power, more power than I had before and I guess that helped? Knowing that I could control life and death even more than I already could, I genuinely thought that that would help. I was wrong if anything. It got worse.

If anyone made one tiny mistake, I killed them. I wasn't the nicest person, as I had said. I was in a ton of pain and I know that that isn't an excuse. I just... I wasn't me. Then Zayn came. He was like me when I died and I just, I felt sorry for him. So I got to know him and he helped me, funnily enough, even though I'd never tell him that. He'd get way too cocky about it.

Then, Liam. Liam had been killed by his father and I felt so sorry for him and I became more human by this point. Zayn had helped me slightly, although I still killed reapers regularly. Liam came and we got close, yet I still did it. Then I killed my second and it was no doubt that Zayn would replace him. I never killed him though and when he fucked up I supported him. Same with Liam, although anyone else it depended on how bad it was. So when Zayn was scared to tell me he fell for a human, I didn't blame him. Although by this point I very rarely killed anyone. So I can see where Brendon was coming from, saying all this stuff.

He's always been a really nice person, and I never really talked to him when I first started this. I just didn't want to talk to anyone but through time and his constant talking, we became friends and I've always gone to him when things got hard. He's the only one who's ever seen me vulnerable of sorts and arguing with him now really has hurt. Everything he said to me, about me being the bad guy, being worse than Sam, yeah. I do agree with him. I really am a terrible person, and I hate myself for it.

I slowly got up and wiped my eyes, getting rid of any tears. I started walking out of this place and towards Harry's. I could do with some cheering up and I just want to see Harry. I reached his house within ten minutes and it was half seven. Not that late, right? I knocked on Harry's door and a few seconds later he opened the door and gasped, pulling me in for a hug.

"What's wrong?" He asked, pulling me into his house and closing the door.

"It's nothing, don't worry." I put on a fake smile and he frowned.

"No, Lou. What's happened?" He questioned, pulling me to sit down on the sofa next to him. "Don't even think about saying that it doesn't matter. It does."

"I..." I started, looking down. "I've just argued with an old friend who's been there for me for ages. He's helped me through so many tough times and what he said hurt. I know he's stressed but it still hurt." I was starting to cry again and Harry pulled me into a hug. I've never let anyone see me cry, not even Brendon. So this is really weird, but being with Harry is so comforting.

"I'm sorry..." Haz sighed.

"It wasn't your fault." I frowned, wiping my eyes. "I'm sorry for coming here with no warning."

"Don't be, you're always welcome." Haz smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back. "I just... You always make me happy."

"Awe, so sweet." He chuckled and I smiled. "So what do you want to do? I've got a ton of movies if you want to watch a film or anything?"

"Whatever you want to do, as long as I'm with you." I smiled and he shook his head.

"So sappy." He laughed, making me laugh. "So, do you wanna watch a film and order a pizza?" This night is going to be amazing.


We were on the sofa cuddling and it was the end of the movie. We ate the pizza within five minutes of it arriving and oh my god I really missed doing this. I know I always could come down to earth and do it but I don't know... I just never do it anymore but now Harry's here and yeah...

Halfway through the film, Haz had fallen asleep and was still sleeping soundly on the sofa. I couldn't let him stay there so I picked him up and took him to his room, putting him in his bed and placing him under the blankets.

I was halfway out of the room when I heard Harry speak. "Lou, where are you going?" He asked sleepily.

"Back to mine, why?" I questioned, turning around to face him. He was half asleep and he looked so cute!

"No, stay here." He smiled lazily and moved over slightly, patting the space next to him. I smiled and got in next to him and he smiled, moving closer to me. I put my arm around him and he cuddled into me.

"Night, Lou." He smiled contently.

"Night Haz." I grinned, stroking his hair. Creepy, I know.


I woke up with Harry right next to me and I smiled. My arm was still around him and his head was resting on my shoulder. I was grinning at this point. His eyelashes were resting on his roses cheeks and he was breathing softly from his cute little button nose. His pink lips were parted slightly and his hair was out of the way of his face. He is absolutely perfect! What did I ever do to deserve him?

Nothing. I don't deserve him.

He started stirring slightly and he opened his eyes and looked up to me.

"Morning, love." I smiled and he smiled lazily.

"Morning." He smiled back, his voice raspy. I love him. "What time is it?" He asked before yawning. I checked my phone which was on the bedside table next to me and I have a ton of texts... Shit.

"Eleven," I replied and Haz just went o check his phone.

"I've got work today." He stated.

"What time?" I asked.

"Two. I'm only working for four hours though." He replied. "Kendall's not working today, the lucky bitch." He groaned and I laughed lightly.

"I'll keep you company then?" I offered and he smiled.

"If you don't mind." He smiled and I grinned, my arm still over him.

"I'd never complained about spending time with you." I grinned and he blushed.

"Mean." He pouted and I laughed.

"But you love that." I smiled and he nodded, smiling too. I leaned in and kissed him, and I felt him smile against my lips. I pulled back after a few seconds and we were both smiling like idiots, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I really like him. It's just going to be a shame when he realises what I am. How much of a monster I am.

"This is an amazing way to wake up." He grinned and I laughed. He is so fucking perfect.

I felt my phone vibrate from beside me and I ignored it. Why ruin the perfect morning?

A.N- Ah! Larry fluff!

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