{Louis PoV}

I got a text from Haz saying he'd been called into work early so he wouldn't be there until late. I didn't mind, I've got more time to prepare to tell him. Brendon and I had been talking for a few hours until I went back to see Zayn, Liam and Niall. I hadn't seen them in ages and I strangely missed them.

"Lou!" Zayn smiled, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're here! Wait, what was the important thing you were doing this morning?"

"Telling Harry." I said. Zayn pulled away and looked at me shocked. "I didn't. You phoned and I got out of it. I'm seeing him tonight and I'm going to tell him."

"Let's go to a pub first." Liam suggested, walking into the room. "You can have some fun."

"When's he due back from work?" Niall asked, following Liam.

"Nine." I replied.

"It's six now. Let's go!" Zayn smiled and we all went to the pub.

It was a Saturday so it was busier than usual. We still got a table and Zayn got us the drinks, leaving us to talk.

A good five or six pints later, Niall was finally getting tipsy. You can tell he's the youngest, he has no tolerance for alcohol. Zayn, Liam and I have been dead longer so we have a lot more tolerance than Niall. A lot more.

"Maybe you should lay off the drinks, Niall." Zayn chuckled.

"Fuck no! I wanna get piss drunk!" Niall giggled, making us all laugh.

"I'll get some more drinks." I smiled and got up, heading to the bar.

I ordered another four pints, and then Haz came up. I smiled at him and he came over to me.

"I thought you didn't get off work for another hour?" I smiled.

"I got let off early, and a friend wanted me to go out for a drink." Haz stated.

"As long as you enjoy." I smiled at him.

"I'll see you later?" Haz grinned.

"Sure thing, Princess." I smiled and kissed him quickly, grabbing the drinks and going back to Liam, Zayn and Niall.

"How's Harry then?" Liam asked.

"You two look so in love." Niall giggled. He really should lay off the drinks.

"Thought you said he wasn't finishing work for another hour?" Zayn asked.

"He got let off early and went to see a friend." I shrugged.

"So, how's it been? Living with him?" Liam asked.

"Amazing. I really like him." I smiled, looking down at me drink.

"Good. He really makes you happy." Zayn grinned. I looked back up at him, and of course. He was here. I downed about half of the pint, and the guys, apart from Niall who was in his own bubbly little world, looked at me questioningly.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked.

"Sam's here." I replied.

"What the fuck does he want?" Liam questioned.

"What if he saw Haz and I?" I panicked.

"Chances are he didn't." Zayn sighed.

"He's been here. He probably saw. What the fuck do I do?" Why the fuck was I so careless? Why did I do that?

"He wouldn't do anything." Liam reasoned.

"He'd do anything to see me suffer, Liam and right now, in Harry's case, he's done that." I stated and walked out of the pub. I stood outside by a dark alley, almost on the verge of tears. Why did I fuck this up? Nick's here, chances are he saw me kiss Harry, and that'll end up with Harry dead. I'm fucked.

"I saw you come out here." Harry started, walking towards me. "What's wrong?"

"I can't fucking do this." I whispered.

"Lou, what's wrong?" He asked panicking slightly.

"I'm sorry, Haz..." I sighed. "I wish you could've found somebody better than me, y'know? Somebody who could make you happy, somebody you could settle down with, somebody who isn't me."

"You make me happy." Harry was almost crying now, and I had a few tears trailing down my cheeks.

"You make me so happy. The happiest I've been in years. You've changed me so much, and I can never thank you enough for that. But I don't want you to get hurt." I explained.

"What are you saying?" Haz asked slowly. "What do you mean you don't want me to get hurt?"

"I'm a terrible person, Haz. I've fucked up so many times. I'm such a terrible piece of shit, and somehow you've overlooked that and I don't know why. You deserve so much better than me. I love you." I frowned.

"I love you too." He smiled.

"Which makes this even harder." I said, going on my tip toes to kiss him. After a few seconds I pulled away, wiping a tear from his cheek. "I love you so much, Haz. Just please, go find somebody who actually deserves you. Who won't put you in danger."

"Please don't leave, Lou." He begged. "I love you, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"It means the world to me knowing you feel the same but the reason why I'm doing this is because I love you." I stated.

"So this is it?" Haz asked.

"Maybe one day, we can be together but now, I've put you in so much danger, and I love you too much to carry on doing so." I frowned, looking down. "I love you so fucking much, Harry Edward Styles, and I'll never stop. Please, never forget that." And I walked off. Leaving the love of my life behind. When I turned a corner I teleported back home, and I couldn't help it. I just let the tears flow. Before long, I was full on sobbing and I just couldn't believe what I had just done but I had to do it. I didn't want Harry hurt.

{Zayn's PoV}

After Lou went outside, we saw Harry go after him, which was cute. They're so in love. Liam and I were talking and Niall was just giggling, which was ever so cute. I love Niall, I just wish he knew how much I really did. Harry came back in looking as if he was about to cry and Louis was nowhere to be seen. I had to make sure Harry was okay and make sure Louis didn't do what I think he did.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded slightly. "Please tell me he hasn't..." I sighed.

"He broke up with me. He told me he loved me then left." Harry frowned.

"He really loves you. I know that he's a prick sometimes but he loved you, and he'd do absolutely anything for you." I explained. "One day, why he did this will make sense to you, but at the moment, my hands are tied. I can't tell you what's happening. I just know that Louis loves you so fucking much, and I'm always here if you want to talk. I know it'll be awkward for obvious reasons, but I'm always here. Just drop me a text, even if it's 3am. I'll be there to help." He nodded and hugged me, and I hugged back.

"I love him so much." He whimpered.

"I know. He's a piece of shit." I smiled slightly and Harry laughed slightly. "What the fuck did you see in him?" I jokingly teased.

"I have no idea." He chuckled, wiping away the stray tears.

"Just remember what I said, yeah? I'll be here for you." I smiled. "And, I know Lou will never stop loving you. You're his world."

"I'll never stop loving him either, which is shit but..." he sighed.

"One day you'll understand why he's done this. Not now, but when he gathers the balls to tell you." I explained.

"I'll be waiting for that time." I smiled sadly.

My heart broke for both of them. I just wish Louis would come clean...

A.N- This fic is basically all dialogue and I'm too lazy to change it.

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