{Louis' pov}

I looked at her cold, lifeless body and a smile grew on my face. I loved taking the soul out of random, innocent people. The way their body goes limp, their hearts stop beating, their skin go white. There's nothing I love more than this. Well, except for the curly haired guy. He's an exception. He's the only exception.

That's the thing, I don't have feelings, yet I like Harry. I shouldn't. And he most definitely should not like me. I'm not normal; I'm far fucking from it!

What would happen when he dies though? That would be so fucking awkward. Like "oh yeah don't mind me, I'm just here to coLLECT YOUR FUCKING SOUL"

Yeah, I'm not normal.

Last night was amazing. Just getting to know Harry, it was amazing. I shouldn't do that, I know.  I can't help it. I like him, which is wrong on so many levels but I can't help falling in love; no matter how much I hate it.

"Mate, I think we're done." My friend/co-worker said. He slowly came into view, a navy cloak covering his body and hiding his face.

"That was a small one." I smiled. Yeah, only five people. Honestly, murders are the best. So much life being taken away and so much blood. It's fascinating what humans do to each other. Kill each other for power, maybe for no reason. It's fascinating yet sad. People always fear the dead, when they should be fearing the living. The living are far worse than the dead.

"Right then, let's head to the pub, yeah?" He grinned, turning into his human form.

"Sure, it's becoming a routine now isn't it?" I laughed going into my human form. When we go back to human, the cloaks disappear and we wear normal clothes so that's pretty cool. I guess it's so we don't get detected.

"Why not? There's a pub two minutes away so?" He replied.

"Let's go there, then." I stated.

"Yeah, hang on." He sighed, jogging out of the room.

"What now, Zayn?" I asked.

"My phone's in the other room!" He sort of yelled.

"Deus meus." I laughed, heading to the door, meeting Zayn there.


"Oh my god this is massive." Zayn stated in awe. I laughed at him because normally he's up for a party, no matter where he is.

"Let's go get some drinks, yeah?" I smiled. He nodded and followed me to the bar. The pub was somewhat empty even though it was ten at night.

"So, what've you been doing here?" Zayn asked me. "You've been spending quite a lot of time here."

"Eh, just been looking around." I shrugged.

"Found anything interesting?" He questioned.

"Not really. There's more in hell than here." I smirked.

"Speaking of hell, have you talked to Brendon recently?" He asked.

"Not in a while, no. Been about two months?" Brendon is the Devil, so yeah; I'm good friends with him - I say when I haven't talked to him in months. I should really go see him soon, I haven't been to hell in a while. I weirdly miss it. I also weirdly miss Brendon and he's the most annoying piece of shit ever.

"Yeah, he's something." Zayn laughed.

"Ken, why have I been dragged here?" A voice whined. Shit.

"Hey, what's up? You seem surprised?" Zayn asked. Harry lives five minutes away from here, it would make sense that he'd come here.

"Nothing, don't worry." I smiled. I hope he doesn't see me, because Zayn will be on my back for ages.

"Hey, isn't that the cute guy you've been talking to?" A girl asked and I heard Harry reply with shut up, so I smirked and took a sip out of my drink, trying not to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing, just thinking." I shrugged.

"Hey, aren't you that guy that's been talking to Harry?" A girl asked. She's hot, I'll give her that.

"Yes, why?" I replied.

"Well, he's over there and he's to shy to say hi, so I'm coming over here to embarrass him." She smiled. "Oh, I forgot, I'm Kendall."

"I'm Louis." I smirked.

"I know. All he does is talk about you." She laughed. I looked over and Harry was coming back with two drinks, and he froze seeing Kendall with me, which made us both laugh.

"I hate you." He said to Kendall, which made her laugh even more.

"So, how are you, Curly?" I smiled.

"I-I'm good thanks." He stuttered. I smiled at his cuteness, then Zayn tapped my shoulder and gave me a stern look. Shit.

"This is my friend, Zayn, by the way." I smiled. I literally felt him get annoyed and I had to hold back a laugh. God, I love annoying people. That's probably why people hate me.

"Hey." He smiled, being nice.

"Hey, I'm Kendall and this is Harry." Kendall grinned. "Wait, Haz we gotta get to Cara and Kylie, they'll be pissed if we leave them waiting any longer."

"Yeah, I guess." Harry sighed.

"Bye guys, nice meeting you." Kendall smiled.

"Bye guys." Harry smiled.

"Bye Curly." I smirked and they went upstairs.

"Louis, what the fuck?!?!" Zayn growled.

"What's wrong now?" I asked. Okay, I know what's up. I shouldn't be noticed by humans, but if I make the rules surely I can bend them?

"Mixing with humans, don't you realise how dangerous that is?" Zayn hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"Zayn, it's fine. They'll never figure it out." I sighed.

"Until they notice that you don't fucking age? That sometimes you look like a fucking skeleton? Look, I know you're in charge but this is risky. They could easily find out, then what would happen? I know you like the curly lad but Lou, I'm saying this as your friend, too much could go wrong. I'm sorry." He explained. Yeah, he's right.

"I know. I really have fucked up. I shouldn't have mixed with them, but I couldn't help myself." I sighed. "But you remember what happened with you and Niall, right? Niall was alive when you met him, and look at you now; and when he died, I did everything I could to keep you two together. I helped you when he found out."

He looked lost at that moment. Him and Niall are a couple, they've been together for three years now, and Niall died last year. I made him a reaper so that him and Zayn could stay together, even though it hurt me, and I've never seen Zayn so happy, and I've known him a century.

"Yeah, I guess. I should really be supportive about this but you know what happened as well. Nick killed Niall. Nick doesn't think that we deserve happiness because we bring death. I'm just a normal reaper, imagine what he'd to to Harry if he found out? Please be careful, Lou." Zayn frowned. He's right. Nick is in charge of Heaven and all of the Angels and everything. He hates us, but he's a dick so...

This is why I spend so much time in hell. Brendon is much better.

"I've just got to be careful. Everything will be fine." I said, trying to convince myself, but I already knew it was going to go wrong.

A.N- What the heck was I thinking while writing this? I added a Paramore reference in here if anyone noticed :)

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