
I didn't know what to do. A moment I've been imagining for years, and I don't know what to do. We have a solid plan to kill Sam, but I don't know what to do. Here he is, standing right in front of me, I don't know what to do. How do I work this plan? I need to get somewhat close for him to 'use' the sword, but I don't know how. I just have to fail, somehow. That'll be simple enough.

"Sam, I don't know what you're planning, but we can call a truce." I tried reasoning with him, hoping it would work. I don't want to do this.

"It's too late for that." Sam smirked, lifting his hand. Patty then came running towards us, using his magic to fling the demon with purple hair to the wall. Why him? I snapped Patty's neck, knowing it wouldn't kill him and turned back to Sam.

"What was the point in that?" I asked him, genuinely curious. There was literally no point in that?

"It was a bit of fun." Sam shrugged, slowly walking closer towards me. I stood my ground, not letting any of my fear show. He can't know that I'm scared. "So, you finally fell in love. The heartless Grim Reaper found love. Who would've thought?" I frowned at his words, resisting from stabbing him. Stabbing him sounds fun.

"And what a surprise it is, that you haven't?" I smirked, trying to piss him off. He just smiled a devilish grin and took a step towards me, his posture never faulting. What the fuck do I do?

I looked past Sam to Gabriel, who looked at Sam with pure hatred in his eyes. His eyes met mine and they softened, giving me a small nod to indicate that we're still on for the plan. I then looked at Harry, who looked petrified. He had a couple of Angels around him and my heart broke for him. He's been dragged into this and it's all my fault. I did this to him.

"But that's a good thing. I don't have anyone you could use to hurt me." He smirked and then held his fist up, closing it, then Harry started to choke. I didn't move closer to him, I just watched to see how far Sam would take it. After about thirty seconds I realised that he wasn't going to stop and I decided to start the plan. I made the blade appear and went to 'stab' him with it but he caught it, pulling it out of my grip. Harry stopped chocking and I looked at him, trying to make sure he was okay. He was coughing, but otherwise seemed okay. "How did you get this?" I don't see why he needs to know that.

"By finding it and taking it." I replied, making sure I didn't falter. He stared at me curiously, taking a couple of steps back. 

"The thing is, I don't believe you." Sam smirked, fiddling with the sword. "Who helped you?" Shit. I forgot Gabriel said only an Angel could open the doors.

"I don't know, some Angel I killed." I shrugged, trying my best to not falter. "Nice spells you put on them." I tried to act confident but damn, it was hard. So much could go wrong, this is a massive risk. Why did I agree to do this? If I fuck up, I could get everyone in this room killed. Shit. This wasn't a good idea.

Sam took a few steps back, going to where Harry and the rest of the angels were. He held the sword carefully, almost tauntingly. How can this work? He'll know we've got something else planned. It's too obvious, he definitely knows we've got another plan. Shit. I quickly glanced at Gabriel, hoping he'd understand what I was thinking and he frowned, nodding in reply. I'm glad he understood.

"You really are a shit liar, Louis." He stated, his attention never leaving the sword. I tried to keep my nerves at bay, taking my attention off Gabriel to Sam. "Look, we can work this out civilly. We can talk this out, we don't have to do anything rash." I don't trust him.

"What's the catch?" I asked him, knowing there would be one.

"No catch." He smirked, but I could see through his lies. He's planning something.

"You really are a shit liar, Sam." I told him and he smirked, looking up from the sword.

"Not as bad as you, admittedly." He walked back over to Gabriel, smiling at him. "At least I can keep a secret. You've hardly hidden the fact that you have a thing for my little archangel, here." How the fuck does he know that? Has Gabriel been lying the whole time? I shouldn't have trusted him. I could feel my heart break but I ignored it, trying to stay strong.

"What gave you that impression?" I asked, trying to hide my emotions. Of course he was playing me. What was I thinking? Of course he was! He's a bloody archangel, he was obviously going to help Sam. I'm so stupid.

"I'm not stupid, Louis. I have eyes." He smirked, going closer to Gabriel. "And of course, he has a thing for you. That's why he helped you. That's why he committed the act of treason, isn't that right, Gabriel?" Gabriel looked at him, the anger obvious in his eyes.

"I don't know where you got that from." Gabriel spoke, his voice calm. He was doing a better job at acting calm than I was.

"It would be better if you told the truth, Gabriel." Sam growled, his anger showing. Gabriel didn't reply, he stood his ground. "Fine. If that's how you want to play it." He quickly held the dagger up to Gabriel's throat and held his other hand out in Harry's direction, causing him to start chocking again. Gabriel seemed totally calm, he wasn't moving, he wasn't trying to escape the grip, he just stood there. "Louis, your choice. Who lives, who dies, your choice." What?

"What?" I asked, clearly in shock.

"You choose which one survives, or if they both die."


Death of Love {Larry au}Where stories live. Discover now