Chapter 1

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Ok so I'm not really sure what I'm doing or how this website works, but I felt like writing something today, and if anyone ends up reading it, i'd really appreciate some tips and feedback!

I woke up to the sound of my cat meowing at me for food. Crap! I slept through my alarm, and I only had ten minutes to get to work. I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the cat food out of the bottom drawer. I went over to the food bowl and proceeded to pour cat food all over the floor. Whatever. I ran back to my room and got ready. I had slept in a black tank top and shorts. I changed from shorts to black pants and threw a jean jacket over the black tank top. I pulled my long light brown hair into a low bun and pulled out some pieces in the front. Getting dressed only took me two minutes. That means I had three minutes to do my makeup. I filled in my eyebrows, slathered on concealer to hide the fact that I had been up all night (I don't sleep well), applied mascara, and put on a creamy raspberry coloured lipstick. I quickly put on my black heels and grabbed my bag. There was a taxi waiting for me outside. 

I work at a very popular magazine company based in New York. I normally write about politics, but sometimes I get the opportunity to write about different places around the world. I get to travel a lot, which is probably my favourite thing about my job. All of the fancy hotels, and having friends around the world is a gift. When I travel, I try my best to really make a connection with the people who I meet. If I'm writing about a tragedy that happened in a country faced with poverty, I try to be comforting to the people I am interviewing. Thats what makes me different from the rest of the people I work with. They just travel to the place, write the story, go home, and get paid. Sometimes the connections I make with people when I'm traveling can be difficult. It makes it so hard to leave. 

The taxi pulled up to the street where the company's building is. I paid the driver, and I tipped him for putting up with me panicking in the back seat while I was trying to get my things in order. I ran down the street, looking at my watch and trying not to drop my giant binder filled with writing. It didn't help that I was in heels. I'm clumsy as is, so it didn't help that I had to run in what seems like sticks duck taped to my feet. 

I only had one minute to get to work. I was so close. I just needed to cross one cross walk and I'd be there. As soon as I saw the cross sign go of I ran as fast as I could, fiddling with the pages of writing that were blowing out of my binder. And then, boom. 

I was on the ground. There was fiery pain in my left side. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I could barely breathe. My vision went cloudy. I heard a panicked voice getting closer. A man was running to me, on his phone. He leaned over, saying something to me. I couldn't understand him, I couldn't understand anything at that point. The last thing I saw were his eyes, and then it all went black.

He had blue eyes.

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