Chapter 34

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The morning started as just another morning. I was now eight months pregnant and so excited. I had so much happiness in my life and at that moment, everything was perfect. 

Who knew a day that started out so perfectly would end in being the worst day of my life?

It was a Friday morning. Charles had a tradition of making me breakfast in bed on Friday mornings. That morning he made me pancakes with a side of fresh fruit.

I got ready for the day and kissed Charles goodbye before I headed off to work. I refused to take a full leave, so I worked it out that I would go to work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. David would take over for me Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I arrived at the office and stopped by David's office to see Shannon sitting by hid desk.

"Just the people I wanted to see!" I beamed as I walked through the door.

"Morning Blake!" Shannon smiled.

"When's that baby coming?" David said, pointing to my stomach.

"Soon." I smiled.

"I still don't see why you didn't want to know the gender. I'm too curious." Shannon said.

"Charles and I like surprises." I replied with a smile.

"Anyways, are we still on for the double date at my place?" I asked them.

"Definitely." They both replied.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight."

I walked down the hall and into my office, greeting Cindy as I passed her desk.

My day went along as normally as possible, and soon enough I was back home with the smells of homemade pizza drifting through the house.

"Smells good in there!" I yelled from the living room.

"Thanks babe! When are they coming?" Charles called back from the kitchen.

"Half an hour!" I called back.

He replied and I went back to looking through my bridal magazine. Charles and I had decided to have the wedding after I have the baby.

An hour later, Shannon, David, Charles, and I were sat in the living room eating pizza and talking as we retched friends for the second time.

We had been having date nights ever since David and Shannon became official. We weren't really the type of people to go out and party, so we either went to a relaxed restaurant or we   had dinner at someone's house.

"So Charles, how's work been?" David asked.

"Really good. Busy, but really good." He replied with a smile.

He continued to talk about his work as I watched him with a small smile. I loved seeing him talk about something he's passionate about.

I frowned as my phone started ringing.

"Sorry." I said quietly as I found my phone and picked it up.


The voice on the other end of the line  made me shoot up from the couch. The words that were said to me sent me into a panic. Emotions flooded my body as I stood there, everyone looking at me with concern.

"Blake, babe. What's wrong?" Charles asked as he grabbed my hand.

I got flashbacks of the day in the hospital when Charles told me that they couldn't find the driver who hit me. I remembered the night when I broke down. I was feeling the same feelings.

I gasped for air and clutched onto Charles.

"Blake? What happened?" Charles asked.


Charles looked up at me with wide eyes as I tried to continue.

"H-He w-was... h-he's hurt."

"Where is he?"


Charles nodded and looked to Shannon and David who both sat there with wide eyes.

Charles said something to David and Shannon but I was too panicked to make it out.

Shannon went into the bedroom and David went out the front door.

"It's going to be okay. Just breathe." Charles said as he hugged me.

A few minutes later I was in the backseat of Charles' car. David was driving and Shannon was in the front seat next to him.

I was next to Charles in the back seat as he tried to calm me down.

Shannon has come out of the bedroom with a packed duffel bag that she had thrown into the trunk, so Charles and I both had clothes.

An hour and a half later we got to the hospital that Ben had been transported to.

We all got out of the car and walked quickly into the hospital to see my parents.

My mother stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked quietly.

"We don't know sweetie." She replied.

I hugged her tighter and took a deep breath.

Charles introduced Shannon and David to my parents and we all sat down taught and did the only thing we could do.



Sorry this chapter took so long, it's been a really rough week.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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