Chapter 3

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Blue eyes came back, just like he said he would. I realized I couldn't keep calling him blue eyes for the rest of his life, so I learned his name that morning. His name was Charles Moreau.

"French?" I asked.

"Oui" he replied. 

That made me laugh. I asked him, and he told me he worked at Moreau Law.

"Wait, does a relative own the firm or something?" I asked

"No, its my firm" he replied.

Ok wow.  I'll admit, I was more than impressed. This guy looked the same age as me, and he was already so successful. 

We worked for hours everyday, gathering enough evidence to send this guy to jail for a long time. Luckily, I was able to identify the car that hit me. That made tracking the culprit easier. Eventually I was able to leave the hospital. I still hurt, but I wanted to finish recovering at home, cuddling with my cat and eating chocolate ice cream all day. 

The day I was released, Charles came in as I was packing my stuff. He looked completely out of sorts.


"Yes?" I replied, concern in my voice.

"The culprit, we've lost him." he said, with a devastated look on his face.

"W-What do you mean you lost him? Is he dead or something?" 

"No, nothing like that. He's gone off the radar. We can't track him anymore. He could be anywhere."

In that moment, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe and all I could think about was the fact that I couldn't breathe. 

"Blake, I'll fix this. I'll find him. Everything will be okay." Charles said, trying to comfort me.

I sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed. I couldn't stop panicking. Hot tears were streaming down my face. I was hyperventilating and I was so panicked I couldn't think straight. Charles put his arm around and held me close until I finally calmed down. He was comforting. I felt safe around him. He was the first person I felt safe around in a long time. I forgot where I was or what the situation was until a nurse came and got me to take me to the front of the hospital so I could be picked up to go home. Charles walked with us down the hallway.

"So how are you getting home?" the nurse asked.

"I'm just going to call a taxi." I replied.

"Thats ridiculous, I'll give you a lift home." Charles said.

"It's no problem calling a taxi, I'll be fine." 

"No, no. My car is right outside. I'm driving you home." he insisted.

We drove to my apartment with the music blasting and me constantly telling him the directions. I was still weak, and my ribs were still very sore. When we pulled up to my apartment building he had to help me get out of the car, and I needed to hold on to him to make it up to my apartment. When we got in to my apartment he helped me get settled on the couch with a blanket and some netflix. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"I probably should eat something." I replied

He searched through the kitchen cabinets trying to find something.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to go to the store and pick up some groceries. Then I'm coming back and cooking you a welcome home meal."

"Sounds good to me!" I said.

I dozed off when he left. I woke up to the smells of rosemary and olive oil. I could see him cooking something on the stove. Soon enough I had a bowl of delicious pasta and a glass of champagne in my hands. Charles bought a really expensive bottle for the special occasion. We sat there watching netflix and drinking champagne. We talked for hours. My ribs hurt so badly from laughing. Eventually we realized that the two of us had finished off the entire bottle of champagne. There was no way I would have let him drive home. I told him he could sleep in the bed and I would stay on the couch, but he insisted that I should sleep in my own bed. Eventually I ended up falling asleep on the couch anyway. 

He must've carried me into the bedroom because when I woke up I was in my bed. I got up and slowly started to make my way to the living room. When I got there Charles was gone and the room was cleaned up. There was coffee in the coffee pot and a note on the counter.

"Had to go to work. Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I'll be back later, watch some netflix for me." -Charles

And thats what I did. I fed my cat and watched netflix all day, looking forward to when Charles would come back.

Hey Guys! Im so so grateful to the people who have read this story. This chapter was kinda boring but maybe things will pick up in the next chapter hehe ;) 

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