Chapter 8

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When I got home from the banquet I changed out of my dress and put on some sweatpants and a sports bra. I was still pretty shaken up from seeing Charles on the streets, so I decided to make myself some tea.

I settled on my couch with my mug and my laptop. I looked around the room. I still wasn't unpacked. I had gotten home a day before. 

I just started to watch some netflix when I heard a knock on the door.

"Charles?" I was shocked.

"Blake!" he replied, stumbling into my home and kissing me.

His breath smelled like alcohol. I knew he was drunk.

"Are you drunk?" I asked.

"Oh come on, what kind of greeting is that now?" He slurred, as he kissed my neck.

"Charles, that's not a good idea."

"I missed you" he said, as he kept kissing me.

"Charles, no." I stated as I pushed him off of me.

Charles looked defeated. He gave me puppy eyes.

"Come with me." I said, while taking his hand and leading him into the bedroom.

I reached into my wardrobe and pulled out his old T-shirt and sweatpants. He had left them here.

I helped him get his jacket and shoes off and then he changed into his clothes while I grabbed some water from the kitchen.

"Go to bed" I ordered him, as I folded the blankets over and adjusted the pillow. I knew he would fall asleep straight away.

Charles smirked at that comment.

"Not like that Charles, go to sleep." I said with an annoyed tone in my voice.

Charles flopped onto the bed as I started to leave the room.

"Wait." he said, before I closed the door.

He raised his arm up and gestured for me to lay next to him. I did. He put his arm around me and fell asleep within the minute. I fell asleep pretty fast too as I cuddled into Charles' warm grasp.

The next morning, I lifted Charles' arm off of me and went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I threw on a loose tank top over my sports bra and pulled my hair into a bun.

Once the coffee was done I went into my bathroom and grabbed two advil. I poured two cups of coffee and put my cup on the tabled next to the bed.

"Charles" I spoke softly, trying to wake him up. I nudged him gently. 

Eventually, he groaned and opened his eyes slightly. He looked around the room dazed and confused.

"How-" before he could finish his sentence I handed him the advil and the coffee. He quickly took them. 

"Did we? You know?" he asked.

"No Charles, we didn't. Now I want you to tell me when you started drinking."

He looked shocked, but then he sighed and started to speak.

"It was after you left" a pang of guilt built up in me.

"I- I don't know how to explain myself. I didn't realize I had a problem until now."

We sat there in silence while sipping our coffee for about ten minutes.

"Now you have to answer something for me." Charles said.

"What is it?" I replied.

"Why did you leave?"

I knew that was coming.

"I- I don't want to talk about it." 

"Blake, I need an explanation. I deserve an explanation."

I went into the living room and started unpacking to avoid the question. 

"Blake, you owe me an explanation!" he yelled, while following me into the living room. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I knew I hurt him.

"Blake!" he screamed.

I whipped my head around and stood right in front of him.

"I was scared okay? I was scared of this city. I was scared of myself. I was scared to be loved. I was scared of loving you. Thats why I left. And let me tell you it was the hardest thing I ever had to do." I yelled in between sniffs and tear wiping. 

The two of us stood in the living room, our stares locked together as we both tried to think of something to say. Charles would occasionally open his mouth to say something but then close it, deciding to stay quiet. I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands. I couldn't face Charles in that moment, knowing how much I had hurt him.

Charles sat down next to me and put his hand on my back. I looked up at him. He gave me a look and a small nod. I knew what that look meant.

 It meant "Its okay, this will be hard but it will be okay."

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