Chapter 36

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"How are you doing my love?" Charles said quietly as he kissed my forehead and leaned closer to me. I was laying on my side in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and aggressively squeezing Charles' hand.

All it took was a little side eye from me for him to know the answer.

"Your dad is on his way now and your mom and brother will be here in about an hour."

I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Hey, look at me." He whispered calmingly as he squeezed my hand.

I looked up at him and he smiled.

"We're going to have a baby." He said with a big smile as he kissed my forehead.

I instantly smiled and my mood was lifted. I was suddenly filled with anticipation and excitement to finally meet our child.

"Hey sweets!" My dad said excitedly as he stepped into the hospital room.

"Hey dad." I replied.

"How are you?"

A million answers were flying through my head. How was I? Terrified. Nervous. Exhausted. Anxious. Excited. All of the above.

"Honestly dad, I'm terrified." I replied.

He took a seat beside me and took a deep breath.

"The day you were born I was so nervous I spent most of the time puking in the bathroom. Hell, I was more nervous than your mother. You know what calmed me down?"

I shook my head.

"You. Imagining your beautiful face. Imagining holding you for the first time. Blake, it's amazing. Soon enough you'll experience that and it'll be the greatest moment of your life."

I listened to my dad and imagined holding my baby for the first time. A smile grew on my face again and I nodded.

"It worked."

"Of course it worked! I'm always right!" My dad chuckled.

I laughed and shook my head.

That's my dad. The guy who can always make me feel better. The guy who can always make someone smile with one of his cheesy jokes even in the most nerve wracking situations.

"Thank you. I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." He replied as a knocking started on the door.

The next hour consisted of my mother explaining her whole birthing experience to me as I listened with wide eyes.

"Alright mom, I think that's enough." 

"Alright sweetie." She laughed.

Over the past few weeks I've noticed how incredibly strong my mother is. When I was panicking in the waiting room of the hospital when Ben was in the accident, she stayed calm for me. It must've been the worst moment of her life, and she still stayed calm. For me.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Blake."

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it as Ben entered the room.

"Hey big sis!" He called.

"I better go." My mother said with a small smile before she got up and left.

"I am here to entertain you!" Ben said.

"Are you?" I asked with with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded with a big smile as he pulled some things out of a black duffel bag.

"I brought a movie!" He said with a big smile.

He chatted with me as he put the movie in the dvd player.

"You know when I was in the hospital, you and Charles came over everyday and watched movies with me. This is only fair." He shrugged.

"Thanks Bennyboo." I smiled.

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes while I laughed.

Two hours later Ben had left and everyone let me have some peace and quiet after trying to have conversations with people and contractions at the same time.

A doctor entered the room and Charles followed.

"Alright Blake, I think it's time." The doctor said.

I nodded.

Charles walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"I can get your mom, or your dad, even your brother if you want them here." He said.

I shook my head.

"I want you. Just you." 

He nodded and smiled excitedly.

"Okay, we're ready."

A few hours later I was laying with my son sleeping on my chest. My son. As soon as I saw him I instantly fell in love with him. I smiled sleepily at Charles as he looked lovingly at the baby and I.

Already, my son filled my heart with love. So much love I didn't know what to do about it.

The events of the past year had all lead up to this perfect moment. If that car hadn't hit me, I wouldn't have met Charles. I wouldn't have my beautiful son.

I looked down at him as he squirmed and opened his eyes. I smiled at him.

He has blue eyes.

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