Chapter 12

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Hey! Ok so before I start writing Chapter 12 I'd like to thank the people who have followed me and read Blue Eyes and voted and messaged me. You guys are so nice!!! Also, I've been thinking of starting to write another story. Of course Blue Eyes will be updated more frequently, but since its summer I'm in the mood to write something very summer-ish if you know what I mean haha. Anyways, thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy!

The next few weeks were spent packing furniture, buying furniture, and unloading furniture. Just endless furniture.

The apartment Charles had before was very minimalistic, and he didn't spend very much time there since he was always at work, so we sold most of his furniture. We took a few things from my apartment but sold about half of it.

The previous owners of our new house also left some beautiful pieces of furniture. Basically, I had full control of decorating the house and Charles just tagged along and nodded his head as I freaked out over carpet patterns.

I've always loved decorating things. My office is the most decorated office at work. 

When I was in high school I redecorated my room at least three times a year.

Even when I was a child, my barbie dream house was filled with homemade tiny decorations that my parents helped me make.

I'm like a freaking walking pinterest board.

Finally, the house was ready to move into. 

That day, I handed in my keys to my old apartment. My landlord reluctantly said goodbye to my cat (Yes the cat is still a thing!). Charles and I hopped into his car and drove about ten minutes to the new house. Man, it was spectacular. It wasn't the biggest house to ever exist, it didn't have the most expensive things, it wasn't in the most exclusive community but it was spectacular. It was ours.

We walked up to the front door and Charles unlocked it. Charles paused and looked at me with a smile.

"What?" I said, laughing.

Without a word he picked me up bridal style and carried me in. I laughed until he finally plopped me down on the couch. 

The cat was happily asleep on the windowsill and Charles was making dinner. I laid on the living room floor, alternating staring at the ceiling and at the soft carpet. Soft music was playing.

I was pretty zoned out until I heard Charles' phone ring.

"Hey mom." 

Mom! Oh my god the thought of Charles' parents had never even crossed my mind.

"Oh my god, thats awful mom."

I sat up and stared at him.

"One second." he said as he put the phone down and walked over my way.

He took my hand and lifted me off the floor. 

"Blake, my mom is on the phone. My parent's kitchen caught fire a couple of hours ago and they need somewhere to stay. Can they stay here?"

"Y-yeah, of course. I'll go fix up the spare bedroom."

He kissed me on the forehead as I went into the spare bedroom. I sat down on the empty mattress as a million thoughts crossed my mind.

What if they don't like me?

Do they even know about me?

Why did I never ask about them?

Should I call my parents?

I shook all of the worries from my mind and grabbed a blue and grey paisley duvet from the spare closet. I set up a bunch of pillows to make the room look extra pretty.

After I was done making sure every surface was polished to perfection, I went back into the living room.

Charles was lighting the fireplace and the kettle was on. We ate dinner at the table, and then sat on the couch with our mugs of tea, looking at the fire. Charles had his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked looking up at him.

He chuckled.


"Blake, they're going to love you. Who wouldn't love you."

I smiled a little, but then continued to worry.

"What are their names? Is there any sensitive subjects that I shouldn't bring up while making small talk?"

"Their names are Patricia and Jim. And you can't talk about anything, Just be yourself. They'll be here in an hour or so."

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder again.

"Why did you never talk about your parents?" I asked

"Well, I guess you never talked about yours, so I wasn't sure if it was a sensitive subject."

"Well, my parents names are Kim and Mike Rose. They were really young when they had me. I moved out as soon as I was allowed. I love them, but they just weren't ready for a kid, you know?"

Charles nodded and kissed me on top of my head.

We sat there in each others company until a car pulled up and there was a knock on the door.

Charles got up and opened it.

I shot up from the couch smoothing down my hair and trying to shake the wrinkles from my shirt.

A beautiful dark haired woman walked in and pulled Charles in for a big hug. She was followed by a tall man with sat and pepper hair.

After they hugged, Charles turned to me.

"Mom, dad. This is Blake, my girlfriend.

I smiled as Charles' dad shook my hand. When i turned around Charles' mom embraced e in a warm hug.

"It's so nice to finally meet you Blake." Patricia said.

"Charles has been talking non stop about you for a while." Jim followed.

I looked back at Charles and saw that he was blushing. That made me laugh.

"Come on guys, let me show you to the spare room. Blake has been obsessing over duvet covers for weeks." Charles said.

"Hey, not weeks... well maybe weeks." 

Everyone laughed and I picked up a suitcase to carry to the spare room. My worries drifted away.

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