Chapter 7

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It had been six months since Blake left. Six months since she left me standing at the gate. Six months since she broke my heart into one million pieces.

I had spent the last six months in the same routine.

Wake up. Shower. Go to work. Go Home. Drink. Sleep.

I had been told that I have a problem. I wouldn't accept it. I thought I could control my drinking. Blake really broke me. I loved her. 

I woke up to the same alarm. Same routine. I showered, brushed my teeth, and got in my car to drive to work. I picked up a coffee on my way there. I couldn't work as late as I normally do that day. There was a banquet that I had to go to. The morning went on normally. I had a meeting with a mother who's child had been kidnapped. I felt so sorry for her. I tried not to show too much emotion in front of my coworkers. To me, it was a sign of weakness. So instead of showing emotion, I did what I do best. I worked hard to put the criminal in jail. 

For lunch I went to the cafe across the street. I had a spinach and chicken salad with an iced tea. When no one was looking I reached into my leather bag and pulled out a flask. 

I poured the contents of the flask into my iced tea.

After lunch I went straight back to work and worked for another four hours until I had to go pick up my suit for the banquet. I took the elevator down to the lobby and waved goodbye to the people at the front desk. 

I walked a a couple blocks until I reached the crosswalk. I looked up to see a familiar face staring at me from the other side of the crosswalk. Blake.

She was wearing a low cut lacy white romper. Her long wavy blonde hair was blowing slightly in the gentle wind. The sun reflected off of her sunglasses. He skin was sun kissed and glowing. 

I stood there for a few seconds, and then I kept walking. I decided to just use the next crosswalk. I knew she saw me. I didn't look back.

An hour and a half later, I got dressed in my classic black suit and drove to the event.

The venue was elegant. Gold accents sparkled from the centre pieces on the tables. Waiters held trays full of champagne flutes. My good friend Luke greeted me a couple minutes after I came in. 

We chatted for most of the event. We were talking about the latest basketball game that we had seen on tv when Blake walked into the room.

She was wearing a gorgeous navy blue dress that cut off just above her knees. She had a gold clutch and a gold necklace on as well. He hair was in a long braid. She looked amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. 

 She circled the room greeting her friends and hugging them. She didn't see me. I noticed she was getting closer and closer as she was circulating the room. I couldn't deal with it. I made my way to the bathroom before she saw me.

I splashed some cold water on my face, and left the bathroom. I made my way to the bar. By that point Blake seemed to have left. I took shot after shot, after shot.

Eventually I was completely intoxicated. I knew not to drive though. I called a taxi and gave him directions to where Blake lived. I stumbled up and knocked on her front door.

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