Chapter 28

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I woke up and turned over to see an empty place beside me.

"Charles?" I said quietly, sitting up.

Once there was no reply, I got up from the bed and made my way down the stairs.

The aroma of coffee hit me as I walked down the hallway.

I heard Charles and my dad laughing as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning" My parents and Charles all said with smiles.

Charles and my dad were leaning against the counter drinking from their coffee cups. My mother was scrambling around the kitchen rambling away.

"You're brother isn't up yet. You should wake him up Blake." My dad said to me with a smirk.

I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I winked at him before turning around and walking back down the hallway and up the stairs.

I walked down to Ben's room and turned the doorknob slowly.

I took light steps as I walked into his room.

It looked exactly like how you would think a teenage boy's room would look like.

His room was dark and the curtains were closed. Papers were spread all over his desk and he was curled up in his navy blue duvet.

I snuck over to him before yelling "Ben!" and jumping on top of him.

He let out a groan and rubbed his eyes.

"Blake? What the hell?" he said groggily.

"Good Morning Bennyboo!" I said in an annoyingly cheery voice.

He groaned again before covering his head with a pillow.

"Come on, mom is making breakfast." I said, getting off of his bed and heading towards the door.

We all spent the day hanging various colours of tinsel around the house.

Since it was Christmas Eve, my parents decided to revive and old household tradition.

I sat on the couch with Charles, his arms wrapped around me as I leaned back into his chest.

A big fluffy blanket was overtop of us.

Ben and my parents were sitting across from us.

Christmas music was playing as my mother flipped through old photo books and passed them around.

Charles laughed particularly hard at one of me on my fifth birthday, shoving chocolate cake into my mouth.

I playfully slapped him as he continued to laugh.

As I looked around the room and felt Charles' strong hold around me, I felt something that I only felt when Patricia and Jim were at the house.

The feeling of family.

The next morning, I woke up as the sun was just rising.

Charles was asleep beside me, his chest rising and falling as he peacefully slept.

I put on my old university sweater and a pair of sweatpants with fluffy socks before walking down to the living room.

The christmas tree made the whole room smell like that 'christmas smell' that everybody loves.

The lights sparkled and reflected off the ornaments that were carefully hanging from every branch.

Gifts were placed under the tree. There wasn't a lot of gifts since Ben is already pretty grown up and he said he didn't want much.

I looked over to see my dad on one of the couches, stretched out reading a book.

"What are you doing up this early?" He said as he noticed me in the doorway.

"It's christmas morning, I always wake up early on christmas morning." I said with a smile.

"Still?" My dad said with a chuckle.

"Still." I replied with a nod and a laugh.

I sat on the armrest of the couch that my dad was laying on and sighed.

"I love being here." I said.

"I love having you here sweets." He replied.

"I missed you a lot, you know?" He continued.

I nodded and looked down guiltily.

"I know, I wish I would've visited more. I would've gotten to know Ben sooner and see you and mom."

"I'm really glad you and Ben get along." 

"Honestly, I love him already." I said with a big grin.

My dad looked up at me with a big smile.

"He loves you too Blakey."

I smiled and got up to go back to my room when my dad spoke up again.

"And that Charles, keep him."

"I will." I said with a smile and a nod.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to try and go back to sleep." I replied.

"Come here. Just like old times." He said, extending his arms for me.

I laughed and climbed onto the couch as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Just like old times." I said quietly.

My eyelids started to get heavy and I yawned, snuggling deeper into my Dad's grasp.

"I love you, dad." I said.

"I love you too Blake." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

Before I knew it, I had drifted back to sleep.

Hey guys! Sorry this was a shorter chapter but I really wanted Blake and her Dad to have a moment like this and have it be the future of the chapter I guess. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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