Chapter 19

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Eventually two weeks had passed and I found myself on my way to the photoshoot for Morgan. I had adjusted to my new job. It was a lot of work, but I loved it. The interns and writers were working their butts off, which made me very content. 

When I got to the photoshoot I was shocked. I recognized most of the people there. It was an honour to be on the cover of a magazine with so many important people. 

I was directed to a chair and the hair and makeup team started working. After an hour, I looked in the mirror and saw the gold smoky eye and large curls they had given me. Someone handed me a long black dress and heels. I quickly put them on in the dressing room and was directed where to stand in a group of people. 

I was directed to stand in between two young men in suits. I looked up to see that one of those men was Charles. 

Of course.

I mean, it made total sense that he would be there. He was very successful in his career.

I introduced myself to the man on the other side of me.

"Hi, I'm Blake."

"Nice to meet you Blake, I'm Leo." he said as we shook hands.

I turned my head to Charles to see he was looking straight at me.

"Um, thanks for the flowers." I said quietly.

"No problem." he replied.

I watched as more people got into the shot. After we were all in position, I realized I was in the direct centre of the photo. That scared me a little.

"Okay everyone, lets start." The photographer said. 

"Now everyone put your arms around each other." he said.

I felt really awkward as Charles placed his arm around me, Leo doing the same on the other side of me.

"Good, good." The photographer said.

"Now lets switch it up. Arms around each others waists, and Blake, rest your arms on the guy's shoulders."

We all did as he said, but to successfully rest my arms on their shoulders I had to stand on my very tiptoes, which made everyone laugh. Including me. 

After we finished up, the photographer took solo pictures of us for our individual articles, and then the shoot was wrapped. As awkward as the day was, I had some fun.

Since the article was already written about us, the only thing they needed was the pictures, therefore the issue would come out the next week.

Early monday morning, I woke up in my hotel room feeling nauseas. I stumbled over to the closet and tried my best to get dressed, but I ran to the bathroom and threw up instead. I reluctantly decided to take the day off. I didn't want my employees seeing me like this.

I slept the rest of the day, hoping I could sleep off whatever made me sick. Maybe some bad food? 

The next day I woke up feeling even worse. I had to reluctantly keep taking days off until it had been four days and I decided I needed to go to work.

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