Chapter 25

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After unexpectedly announcing the pregnancy, we all had a celebration breakfast of pancakes and bacon.

The days that Charles' parents were staying with us went way too fast, and before I knew it, they were back at their home.

I promised Patricia that Charles and I would visit them soon and go to her restaurant.

Around two months later, it was nearing christmas.

My belly was finally showing and I the intense morning sickness that I had was less frequent.

Since it was close to the holidays, I let my employees off from work a few hours early as long as they had all of their work finished.

That also meant that I could go home early too.

That night I was sitting on the couch reading. The fireplace was on and I was covered in a big fluffy blanket. I guess you could say I was hiding from the cold.

Charles walked in the door, wearing a finely tailored suit.

"Hey, how was your day?" I asked.

"Good! We won our case. How was yours?"

"Pretty good. It's cold."

Charles chuckled at me as I snuggled deeper into the big fluffy blanket.

He walked over to the couch I was laying on, and sat right next to my feet.

"So, are you all packed yet?" he asked me.

"Almost, I just need to finish a few things and then we should be all good."

I was excited to finally see my parents again, but also nervous. It didn't help that they didn't know I was pregnant yet. I was very nervous about the moment when they saw my belly.

"So I was thinking after we get home, we could take another little road trip to visit my parents at their house?" Charles said.

"Yeah! That would be really great."

The next morning, my alarm went off at 3am.

Charles groaned beside me and turned over.

"Time to get up." I said groggily.

I turned on the lights, which made Charles groan even more.

"Come on, we've gotta start driving."

Charles picked the pillow up that he had been covering his head with and looked at me.

"We? I'm the only one driving here. We both know you'll be asleep the whole time."

I shrugged and got up from the bed.

I took a hot shower and changed into leggings and an oversized white sweater. I put my grey trench coat on top of the outfit and put my boots on.

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