Author's Note

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HEY! So, Blue Eyes has come to an end and I'd just like to personally thank everyone who has read it, or who is currently reading it. If you were here since the beginning, or just started reading today, I'd like you to know how much I appreciate you. Thank you all so so much for the support over the past few months while I was writing, and your lovely comments.

I'm probably going to take a small break to work on the sequel and to plan out the story line and to write the first couple of chapters before I start publishing them, but I'll try my best to be as fast as possible!

Also, if you have any requests or ideas for chapters, leave a comment!

Oh! If you have any questions about me feel free to ask in the comments! I would love to answer!

Once again, thank you so much. I appreciate you all so much and I hope you stick around for the sequel!


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