Chapter 11

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When I got home, I found a note from Charles that said he was at the gym and getting lunch after.

It was about 1:00pm, so I decided to go dress shopping for the banquet that night. 

I called Charles on the taxi ride there, to ask him if he wanted to go.

"Do you think you'll be able to handle it? There will be a lot of people drinking." I asked him.

"Babe, I know I can do it. I'll have you there anyway." he replied.

I knew he could do it too. Charles was strong.

I hung up the phone when we pulled up to the dress shop. I tried on the first thing that caught my eye. It was a long deep red dress. It was cut low, and there was a leg slit. It was perfect. I picked up a champagne coloured purse also.  

After I bought my dress, I went and got some food at the cafe across the street. I chose a spinach chicken salad, and some iced green tea. 

After I got some food, I went and got my nails done. That day I decided to treat myself. I got my hair curled and my makeup done. I felt so good afterwards.

The company car was coming to pick Charles and I up at 5, and it was already 4 so I had to get home to put on my dress.

When I got home, Charles was in front of a mirror, tying his tie and doing his hair. He looked very handsome. I slipped on my dress and heels and packed my bag.

I was adjusting my dress in the mirror when Charles walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"You're so beautiful." 

I blushed and smiled.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I replied, placing my hands around his neck.

Charles started to kiss my neck as I giggled. 

Just then, I got a text from the company driver that he was outside, so we had to leave.

Charles and I climbed into the backseat of the car.

"Good evening George." I said

"Good evening Blake, good evening Charles." he replied.

Charles nodded in acknowledgement and soon enough we were on the road.

The drive was no more than thirty minutes.

We thanked George and got out of the car. Charles put his arm around my waist as we walked in.

The venue looked amazing. It was decorated with silky ribbons, and there was a huge glowing chandelier in the centre.

The tables were decorated with red roses, and champagne and wine was basically everywhere.

I knew it would be hard for Charles, but I knew he was strong and that he could do it.

After circling the room and saying our hellos, we found our seat at one of the tables, listened to some speeches, and were served our meals. I could see Charles getting nervous so I grabbed his hand tight and smiled at him.

Soon enough, the banquet was over and the company car was outside to get us. 

"So, we both have the day off tomorrow. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking it might be time for some house hunting."

"That sounds good to me."

The next day we got up early and got ready to see the first house.

We looked at houses all day, but Charles and I didn't seem to like any of them.

Finally, there was only one more house to look at for the day. It was a beautiful modern style. There were two bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The kitchen was furnished with all stainless steel and the living room was cozy. It had a huge fireplace. There was a small attic, perfect for storage, or to turn into an office. 

All together, it was amazingly perfect. 

When the showing was over, Charles closed the door and looked at me with hope and excitement in his eyes. This felt right.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

He smiled and picked me up. He spun me around and put me back down. 

It was great to see him that happy.

We put in a generous offer on the house, and made our way home.

Later that night, I got a call from our real estate agent.

"We got the house!" I yelled, running into the living room.

Charles stood up from the couch with a big smile on his face.

He placed a long kiss on my lips and hugged me tight. 

At that moment, everything was perfect. 

Soon enough we would start packing our stuff and moving into the new house.

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! Thank you to everyone who has followed me, and voted on Blue Eyes. Honestly, I'm so grateful to everyone who has read this. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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