Chapter 26

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"What?" The boy and I both said in unison.

Charles looked over at me with wide eyes.

"B-But I-I don't have a brother!"

"You do now!" My dad said sarcastically, making my mother slap him on the arm.

"I didn't know you were pregnant." My mother said slowly.

"Well... You do now!" I said, repeating my dads words.

All of us just stared at each other with wide eyes until someone spoke up.

"This is why I don't come downstairs." My brother muttered, making us all turn our heads towards him.

"What? It's true!"

I tried my best to laugh, but all I could let out was a small whimper.

"I um... okay what?" I said, looking at my parents.

My mother sighed.

"Well Blake, the last time we saw you was christmas. Seven years ago."


"And we adopted Ben later in that year when he was nine."

"O-Okay... why didn't you tell me?"

"We've barely heard from you. It's not something we wanted to announce over the phone."

"But you've had seven years to tell me that I had a brother!"

"You've had seven years to come visit!"

I threw my hands up in defence.

I turned to Charles who looked like a deer in the headlights.

His eyes were wide and his mouth was shut tight. He was leaning over with his head in his hands, trying to follow the conversation.

He saw me looking at him and smiled at me nervously.

I smiled back and started laughing.

Everybody looked at me with a confused look until my dad started laughing with me, followed by my mom, and then eventually Charles.

Once we stopped laughing, I looked over to Ben who had a confused and disgusted look on his face.

"What just happened?" he said.

"Now that's what we call good old fashioned family bonding!" My dad said.

We all chuckled a little bit, but Ben still remained in the doorway with the same look on his face.

"Ben, come sit down." My mother said, gesturing to the empty spot beside me.

"O-Okay..." He said, slowly walking over to me and sitting down.

Him and I stared at each other for a good twenty seconds.

I smiled nervously and he stopped staring.

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