Chapter 29

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Later that night, my mother was setting the table as Charles and my dad finished up cooking christmas dinner in the kitchen. Ben was still in his room, probably dressing up for Lilly. 

I smiled at the thought of my baby brother having a crush. It was crazy how fast we got along. 

I pulled on a knit cardigan over my black tank top and jeans. I applied some red lipstick and took a look in the full body mirror.

I was smiling down at my small baby bump when the doorbell rang.

I rushed down the stairs and down the hall to open the door.

"Merry Christmas!" I said cheerily as I opened the door.

"Merry Christmas!" Ian replied as he pulled me into a hug.

"This is my daughter, Lilly." He said gesturing to the girl next to him after he pulled away from the hug.

The girl smiled at me. She had dark hair and fair skin. Her smile was bright and cute.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She said.

"It's nice to meet you too!" I replied.

I gestured for the both of them to come in and I closed the door behind them.

They both took off their shoes and coats, and I led them into the living room where Charles, my parents, and Ben were now sitting.

"Charles, this is Ian and Lilly. I think everyone else but you has met them before." I said, gesturing to Charles.

He stood up and shook Ian and Lilly's hands.

"Nice to meet you." He said with a warm smile.

"You too." Ian replied.

Lilly smiled and soon enough, conversation started.

Lilly sat next to Ben, and they were both blushing as they talked. It was obvious they both had crushes on each other, and I mentally screamed in excitement.

Ben had definitely dressed up for tonight. He looked nice in his dress shirt and dark jeans. Lilly wore a cute red dress with a black blazer over it.

A few minutes later, we were all sat down at the table. Charles sat next to me, with Ian on the other side of me. My parents sat at opposite heads of the table. Lilly and Ben sat next to each other across from us, still chatting away.

We all dug into the delicious dinner and talked for what felt like forever.

By the end of it, I was completely stuffed and my mouth hurt from smiling so much.

After dinner, Ben and Lilly went for a walk leaving all of the adults in the living room.

"So Ian, what have you been up to?" My mother asked.

"Well, Lilly is really involved with after school activities, so I'm always going to her events." He replied, grinning widely.

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