Chapter 4

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Soon enough, two weeks had passed. Charles came and visited me everyday. I considered him my best friend. Obviously he still gave me butterflies when he spoke. I won't deny that. Soon I would have to go down to the courthouse and provide all of the evidence that we had gathered against the driver who hit me. I was nervous, but also ready to get it over with and move on. I barely hurt anymore and I was able to get around on my own. 

Charles met me on the street when I was on my way to the courthouse. I had a black pantsuit on paired with my favourite pair of heels and my hair in a braided updo. I used my fanciest bag. I wanted to look very put together, but also kind of intimidating. I'm not really sure if I could even pull off intimidating. He complimented my appearance and I returned the compliment. He handed me a cup of coffee. We were walking down the street when he got a call.

"Okay, okay I'm on my way." He said to the person on the phone.

"I'm sorry Blake, I have to go. There's an emergency at work. I'll meet you at the courthouse in an hour."

"That's okay, I understand. Hand the files over." I replied, as he handed me the files full of evidence.

"I'll see you soon." He said, as he caught a taxi.

It was just me, the files, and the coffee. I continued walking down the street, making my way to the courthouse. I was looking at the displays in windows of clothes stores when I noticed a car trolling behind me slowly in the reflection. My heart started beating so hard I couldn't hear the music playing outside of the stores. It was the car. The car that hit me. I couldn't run. The driver would know that I saw him. I just kept casually walking until I was just outside the courthouse. I looked around to make sure the car wasn't there anymore. Just when I thought the coast was clear, a hand grabbed me from behind. I dropped the coffee and the files as I was struggling to get away. A very strong hand was wrapped around me. I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him but I kept trying to scream and fight. Then I felt a sharp pain go into my shoulder. I suddenly felt very  tired and dizzy. Everything was fuzzy. I couldn't fight anymore. I heard a car pull up and I was shoved into the back seat. I couldn't stay awake.

When I woke up I was in a dark room. There was duct tape around my hands and feet. I was sat on a chair. I looked around the whole room, studying everything I could. I wasn't scared. I was furious. I was filled with red hot anger. I could see my stuff on the other side of my room. If I could break this duct tape I would be abled to get my stuff and find a way to get out of the house. I had an idea.

I raised my hands up as far as I could, and then I shoved my elbows into my ribs as hard as I could. The force was so strong it ripped the tape. I was able to break the tape on my feet with a lot of force from my hands. I still felt dizzy from whatever was in that needle. I stumbled across the room and grabbed my bag. I checked for my cell phone, and once I found it I held it tight. I put my heels in my bag and searched for a door. I saw a little light coming from a window. I followed the light and found a window. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I took my heel out of my bag and smashed the window with the heel. I climbed out of it. Shards of glass were sticking into my skin as I struggled to get out. I felt hot blood dripping from my arms and legs. 

Once I made it out the window I called 911. I crept around the house to find a house number. 78. They said they would be able to track where I was calling from, they told me to run. I immediately called Charles after I hung up. I started to run as the phone rang. He answered.

"Blake, you weren't at the courthouse. What happened? Are you okay?" 

"Ch- Charles." I stuttered.

"Blake? What's wrong?" He sounded panicked.

I looked back at the house I had just came from. A guy was looking out the window screaming. He saw me running. He opened the window. He pulled out a gun and started shooting.

"Are those gunshots Blake?" Charles was now yelling through the phone.

"Y-yeah. He kidnapped me, and now he's shooting." I said trying to catch my breath.

"Who? The driver?"


I kept running. Now I was scared. I was terrified. I didn't see any cars. All I could do was run. So I did. I ran until I couldn't see the house anymore. I ran until I saw lights coming from the city. The house must've been close to the city. I only stopped when I saw a sign for a law firm. Moreau Law. I opened the doors and ran to the front desk. 

"What floor is Charles' office on?" I screamed at the secretary.

"Six." She replied with a horrified look on her face.

I ran to the nearest elevator and continually pressed the button with number six on it until the doors closed. I saw my reflection in the elevator door. I looked horrible. I was pale and bleeding. I was bruised and my mascara was running down my face. I sat down in the elevator, trying to catch my breath. The doors opened on level six. I flung open the glass doors and scanned the whole room. People just stared at me with their jaws dropped. All of the offices had glass doors. I saw Charles pacing in his office on the phone with someone. I just stood there. He turned his head in my direction and his eyes widened. He hung up the phone and ran towards me. He hugged my tight, and I hugged him back. When I looked up at him I noticed tears were streaming down his face. Once he pulled back from the hug, he looked me straight in the face. He didn't say anything, he just kissed me, and I kissed him back. Suddenly I felt a searing pain in my left shoulder. He looked at me with concern as I looked over to see my shoulder.

"Call an ambulance!" He yelled.

I had been shot.

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